Last friday was cousin's solemnization and wedding dinner over at Rendezvous Hotel and followed by wedding day on the saturday. Here's are SOME of the pictures taken on the day itself. More pictures will be given to me,very soon. (I HOPE)
Cousin,he's 29 years old.

With the wife,Hani.

Basir Siswo's brother with BEST cousin and uncle.

Fiercest yet friendly auntie ever alive.

Right,model for my mum on that day.

Okay so,that was my weekend. Yesterday,i've decided to do BANGS again since i've got no fringe. And so,i met up with Fatwan over at gombak and then,we went to the salon. Yeah,he was damn nice to accompany me lah hor. Did bangs and yeah,trim and made my hair a little bit thinner. It wasn't a LITTLE BIT but it's damn thin indeed. But still loving it((: There goes my 50 bucks,lol.

Labels: i'm better so suck on that