Pink form = Promoted to secondary 5/Higher Nitec
Green form = Repeat/Nitec.
No specific reason of why i chose this picture among the rest. Just that,i miss her alot :) Yeah,what's the HOTEST thing going around today? It's the release of N'level results yo! Tell me about it. I didn't felt anything days/weeks/months before but when the principal mentioned that it's time to release it,the whole butterfly in the stomach thingy starts,lol. But i knew,i could only pass TWO or maybe,ONE subject. No high hopes at all although i studied for my exams. Not even to Higer Nitec nor Sec 5. When my form teacher asked me how did i do,i went; "I did badly,i swear. No hopes for me at all" . HAHAHA. And he asked me again if i'm sure about it. Of course i said YES! But he gave me this WIDE SMILE and hand over a pink form to me. Speechless,i then shouted for HOORAY =D Well yes,i passed! Sape tak excited kan. And the best part was,he told me that i'm one of the TOP few students in class when normally,i was the LOWEST of all XD
6points dok! ;) And,still gotta decide/discuss with my parents where's the next place for me to go. It's either gonna be ITE or,start on working in the lawyer firm as an office girl and get myself to SIM,some private night school to take up the office skill course,yeah. Definitely not gonna be sec 5. Please don't ask me why,heh. Anyway,everyone did great for the major exams. Everyone managed to score well. Felt happy for everyone,yeap :) The greatest part for today was,i made the people around me proud of me when i thought i couldn't. And yeah,Mummy-shii was SO EXCITED when i called her to tell about it. You know she loves me ;) && Hooray! Cousin's getting married tomorrow! Sexciting. Till then,great day!
Labels: it's unbelieveable