Saturday,13th June 2009.

And,here she comes!
Reg,Mimz,Dilla & Nurie!
HAHAHAHA to Mimz's face! Tulah,suke interframe lagi kan!
HAHAHA,Reg macam nampak hantu and mimz macam kena sampuk,lol!
WTH,Reg was under Mimz BAHAHAHAHA.
So,we were trying to be cute :D

That was candid,REALLY!

Semua betul-betul punya tak betul! HAHAHA. That was saturday,well actually there's alot moreeeee after we hangout at Istana Park. Yet to be receive them from Nurieeee. Days were plain but still fine. Last monday,went to Ikea at Tampines and it was halleluva crazy. The place is HUGEEEEEE and there's alot of things for us to check out. The showroom was fabulous. Then,went about to Courts,just next to them. Check out the DSLR camera and all. Hope to purchase them after O'levels :D It's gonna be freaking exciting! Afterwhich,had another dinner with daddy at Tampines after he picked us up,then pick that sistaaa and holla,we're back home!
Should watch the drama,Kekasihku Seru,it was awesome,like really! It's a great marathon at home though. HEY! Moving out to bigger house in 3 weeks time! XD
Labels: moving out in 3 weeks
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 @11:57 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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