Tomorrow's gonna be the last exam paper. Like finally,the exam's period is over. That means,i can chillax a little bit. Ahh,baik. Baik,kepala hotak kau bodoh. Still have got tons of test/mock test/prelims/paper coming up. What's more,Malay O'level paper is like,2 weeks away? =.= Actually there's nothing much to update about. Just that,i feel like it. OH! I've already got my hair rebonding and i feel so much better now that i don't havta tie my hair anymore it won't take up much of my time to get my hair done. Ah yalah,65 bucks gone. BAGUS. But yeah,i still wanna cut my sides so it'll be a little bit shorter and of course,my little fringe. No more bangs! :D

More of that body,soooooooon.
Adriana Lima

Alessandra Ambrosio
Been watching alot of Victoria Secret runway these days. And,Adriana and Alessandra is 2 of my favourite ones. Should watch them on youtube if you have not cause they're like the next hottest thing ever besides Tyra Banks. And it's good to watch them on the runway with bikinis and awesome gourmet.
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