Wish you guys longetivity & prosperity. May you guys lead a beautiful life ahead,and hopefully both of you had a blissful birthday celebration yesterday with the rest! :D Sorry i stole korang punya pictures,jangan marah lah yer! XD
So,everything was cancelled,my plan i mean. Instead,i had an appointment with the school mobile dentist. I need my gap to be close,and so it did. The male doctor was soo cool that i could barely feel the pain! Yeah,he did inject my gum,to make it numb before giving me the root canal treatment. Now then i realised,my teeth is damn terrible. HOHO,i'm wearing braces sooon! ;) And so after 2 hours of treatment,i went home with swollen gums,and starting to feel kinda feverish,lol. You know how suck i am when it comes to teeth,i could even get high fever,zomg. Afterwhich,i had to rush back home to accompany my mum to buy our new lightings,sink,and etc for our new home at Ikea. And then,daddy fetched us and picked that sister up and hoho,back homeeeeeeeeeeeee. Woooh,penat. And i'm kinda sleepy right now,gotta get some rest! Maybe not,or maybe yes.
Labels: it aint over yet