YEZZZEEER! Finally blogger is being really kind. Well maybe it's because i'm using desktop instead of laptop. Alright,we'll just proceed on with the pictures. To whoever that concerns,just click on the picture to copy paste it. I'm soooo lazy to send via hotmail as it's freaking SLOW,geez. And oh,i REALLY dont bother framing/editing it. So,have a good time looking! xD
i NEVER love/like wearing jeans so,i'm from jeans toooooo .....
..TO THIS! test shot number ONE

test shot number TWO

warming upppppppp

Apek Ang di belakang suka interframe!

NYAHAHAHA! Muke Ifah macam nampak berok!

Ahhh,cuteee peeee! CUTE WAKLU!
alaaaaaaaaah,sayang kau lah! 6 years friendship
macam tourists
rambut aku macam ikan,gigi dia macam rabbit!
loveee that sexy back. nak touch boleh? ;)
ada macam titanic taaaak? xD
feeling-feeling Botanical Garden. Eh bila aku nak pergi sana sey? :(Mr Bambang Purnama Putra Shakni,hahaha

muke mintak kena rambat rabak!
Hai Azy! Suke cium garfu keeee? cium aku kan bagus!
Samad sebok je kat belakang!
jangan step cute uh,please? :D
JJ Uncle Jangguuuut. Eh tak,Joys Chuaaa!
Dilla,Yunis,Yani & Ifah
step Ikan duyung je tau! alaaah,cantik lah tu!alamak,siape nieeee? HAHA,Faiz
the form teacher - Mr Derick Chiaaaa
jodohku number TEN!
jodohku number SEVENTY-TWO! ahhhhh,ni dah memang jodoh! number TWENTY lah kay!
macam bapak dengan anak! HAHAHAHAHA,sorry fahfah!

5A2 girl power - memang power pun!
Last but not least,the whole of 5A2!
Woohooo,now then i realised most of the pictures is of me and Ifah! :D Okay,prolly up next is the overnight pictures @ East Coast. Wait till i'm not lazy then you'll getto see them okay. And hopefully,we'll get our results soon as it kept postponing again and again. I can't wait any longeeeeeeeer lah! OH,anyway!
Labels: gonna miss those days man
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 @13:15 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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