I watched Spa Seekers on Mio Tv when the girls went to MALDIVES (which is located at the Indian Ocean). And,that place is the nicest place i've ever seen in the whole entire world,i swear. I can never get enough of it. Looking at those pictures,looking at those deluxe accomodation and thinking of when in the world i'm gonna be there etc. I just love it and it's a place i really have to pay a visit since i love beaches so much. It's waaaaay better compared to the other beaches you have in the world. You can take a closer look at it anyway.
who can never love it? hotels above the sea?
just look at how beautiful and clean the water is
i've never heard of restaurants underwater in my life
and this is what im talking about - pool in your room,which is connected to outdoor plus,you're seperated by a ladder to the sea. you can just jump into the sea anytime you want! :D
how much beautiful can the place be?
i told you so! xD
I'm sooooooooooo going to collect lots of money after going on holiday to Langkawi with friends. Maldives will be on top of the list and it's a place that i really havta go before anything else! swear.
On the other hand,

HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY COUSIN NAZRYN! Wish you longetivity & prosperity. May you lead a beautiful life and all the best for the upcoming O'levels! See you later bro.
Labels: maldives
"" was Posted On: Monday, October 05, 2009 @17:05 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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