Alhamdulillah,rezeki pada Hari Jumaat i should say((: Finally,my waiting period paid off though i felt like giving up sometimes. See,good things happen to people who wait! :D And yes,i'm starting work this Monday. But that's just the 1-day training course. The following day then i will be reporting at Great World City,the outlet which i'll be working at. Good pay,GOOD WORKING HOURS AS WELL! HAHAHA xD I applied for full-time (temporary) since i know i've not been having "life" at home,so a great way to spend my time at work. So,as i guessed,everyone's been saying, "eh dah dapat gaji,belanje kay!" I absolutely have no problem with that caz i'm not stingy kinda person but first things first,$$ for BRACES & LANGKAWI is on top of the list no matter what! Heheee ;D
Thanks Naddy for accompanying me just now tho you gotta wake up as early as 9am! And,what makes my day the most is when Mizi texted,HEH HEH. How can i not be happy when we've not chatted for a week? :D A short message is better than nothing,at least. Alrighty,i'm still deciding wether i should attend my cousin's engagement thingy tomorrow,or not. Caz tomorrow will be MY LAST SATURDAY that i can go out on. After that,my weekends will be used for working hours. So does my Public Holidays. And which means,I can't tag along with my family to KL for the holiday! -.- But i'd rather stay at home,work and get money rather than to have my 40 bucks deducted for each day i'm absent. WORK WORK WORK! Can't wait! xD
Labels: new chapter of life #1