These 3 things are on my top priority list. And these three things inspires me to keep saving and just keep saving, eventho i know it's impossible to achieve this sum of money to purchase them. And again, these three things are the ones who's gonna make me understand what sacrifices means, cause i'm gonna put it on hold (for how how long it's gonna be, i'm still unsure) until the day comes whereby rolls of banks will grow on my jeans pocket. Like i once said, the only way i can get them is thru working. But thing is, i can't work at all. So, that's when sacrifices comes in. And that's when, i gotta keep extra care for the sports shoes which is gonna ripped anytime soon, the spare phone which i have no idea until when i can use them and the watch which, i've been dying for.
Nike air-max 2010 Sports shoes.

Caz i've learnt my lesson to not use any slide phone or flip phone anymore cause it's the easiest way to throw all of my cash down the drain.
Unlike the ones above, it's something i don't really need. But it's something i'm dying for since forever. Watches is something i love since young and no doubt, i always go for the best watches around.

If there comes a time whereby you discover any way which i can watch some cash grow on trees or anything, do inform me. I need it, badly.
Labels: 3 things i really need