It was the boy's POP yesterday. The parade is held at Marina Bay Floating Platform which i have no idea where it's located at hahahaha. And it starts at freaking 7.45 am in the morning :O I've never attended any parade at such hour but anything for this boy. It was scorching hot and i have no freaking idea how in the world the army boys can endure but they're totally great.
Now that BMT ends, it's like one burden down. But that's not the end, in fact, there's more to come. It's just a beginning. I wonder where he's gonna be posted to but oh well, where ever it might be, i'm really gonna be proud of him. Tough times doesn't last, but tough man do. And he's one fine tough man i know. Im sure he'll pulled thru. In any way it's gonna be, it's definitely gonna be tough for the both of us. No doubt about that. But i fret nothing. Cause, he's too beautiful for me to let go. Hey b, i really love you. Just know that.
Labels: Hareez POP