us n my lovely cuzzy .. Asliyah .. n wait a minute! where's my dad?
dis is da bride .. aren't she gorgeous?
aiyoyo bang .. releks . y look soo nervous? ermm .. tok kadi name aper uh? hehe ..
wah wah wah .. happie nyer Abg Charlie? mentang2 da dpt adek ipar baruu! ahks ..
huhu~ romantic! kiss horr .. ahks ..
Asliyah&Abdul Rahman wit da marriage cert .
me& my family .. n well . where da heck is my lil' sista? aiyoyo .
Abg eddie&untie johor[fav aunt] nyanyi seyy! tk ajak .. huhu~
he's da best bro of mine . ler .. if not i'll be singing wit him but em soo busy . sorie horr bang .
my mum's enjoying herself .. dont u tink she looks young n like Saloma? ahks .
evening dress .. she looks like cinderella larh . soo pretty!
dis is da place .. Hong Kah C.C .. nicely n well done!
n well .. dats all da pic dat i can uppload .. ahks .. well .. em happie larh now i have a new member in my so call family .. n yerp .. i did enjoy myself dat dae .. and at da same tym did dose kendarat stuff .. n did u notice sumting? i look ugly on dose pics coz em soo tired n got noo mood to take pics soo,sorie horr .. ahks . many ppl saes dat my mum lokks like Saloma n well she did coz u noe wat? early in da morning olready ask me accompany her to da salon to get da hair done .. hehe .. n well .. she's my mum .. ermm .. not much to sae coz em now sick .. fer two daes olready! yalah . coz overwork myself n well .. eat dose medicine actually make it to da worst! em hungry!! but,i dont feel like eating . aiyoyo . n ppl.dats dat! n well . nutting .. ahks . =)