Last saturday was spent with Mimz bby. The meet-up time is delayed twice as i was busy with house chores. After which,i was then told to get out of the house by 3.45 pm and be at City Hall red-line platform by 4.30. And yes,you can't imagine how rushing i was to get myself ready. Afterall,i was the first to arrived there instead of her. Bagus eh ;) Our first stop was to have our late lunch over at Fareast as i was super hungry. After which,we then walk around to find the things i wanna purchase. So,we went down the street,have fun taking pictures with the gorgeous Christmas lightings and do some window-shopping. The last stop for us was Plaza Singapura. Subway Cookies for me and Fried Mars Bars for her,that's totally awesome :) And when she gotta get going,we bussed to Bugis,i alighted and she went straight to Bedok to fetch her little sister. And all along,i was alone in Bugis to find my stuff. So,that was my saturday! =D
Doesn't even taste like honey dew at all. HAHAHAHA.
Unglamourous shot before crossing the road.
Anyways,the worst news i've ever heard was that, SCHOOL STARTS ON THIS FUCKING FRIDAY. Tell me about it goddamit. Starting it on friday is the most pathetic thing ever in the universe. && that is why i hate secondary school so much. But i'm left with no choice but to go through all those crap just to CHASE MY DREAM. Big dream indeed. Go through another major exams and all,it really freaks me out. But whatever it is,i really gotta do something about this whole studying thing before it's too late. No more sleeping in class,gotta put that in my TOP list of my new year resolutions. Oh man.
Labels: so much for another trip