Today's the 29th June 2007 and that means,tomorrow is our 8 Months Anniversary . so,i was all glad that our love is still strong that could lead till now . but still,there's some things im not quite satisfied with . i don't know . maybe because PrettyBoy dosen't look good and he didn't talk much to me today . for a simple reason,i don't even know why and what's happening . or maybe i've hurt him? but i don't remember doing it all . or did i ever do a mistake? i bet,no . but there must be something he's hiding from me,himself . im not quite sure about this but i hope,things would be fine (:
8 months of being together really feels good to me . its like,oh wow how time flies! 240 days of being together from the 7th day of Hari Raya last year . hehe :D so many things happened to us,to me especially . being such a patience person is really a challenge . you know how Fahmy is lor . but still,here i am again,still standing strong with whatever's happening to me,to PrettyBoy and to us,andand im very proud of myself for being able to save my relationship few times back with the intelligence that was given from GOD . oh hoho,im glad that im still with him and im glad he still does love me,as deep as i love him .
i wanna show to people,to my family,my parents,my older sister,my friends and especially to my Pretty Awesome Boy that i can last this relationship of mine longger than what people expected and i myself expected . i wanna prove to them that love isn't about sex and love isnt about leaving education behind . me and PrettyBoy ourself had talk things over about this . we knew and really knew that we shouldn't leave our education behind just because of one relationship and ruin our future . we knew,what's wrong and what is right .
we actually had promised each other to study well and and pass our examinations with flying colors,suceed in life and achieve our goal or something that we've always wanted in life and not to let our relationship ruined everything . as for me,i told PrettyBoy i wanted to pass my 'O' Levels and then,go to Poly to take my Diploma and then my Degree and next,my Master . i've always wanted to study overseas as in Manchester University . not because i wanted to show off or wanted to be outside of Singapore,no . its because of my dream you see . so,DILLA . head PrettyBoy's advice,study hard and achieve what you've always wanted . he will be behind you all the way to support you (:
in relations,there's always jealousy occurs . as for me,i admit im in that situation right now . i was browsing through PrettyBoy's Friendster profile yesterday after i've done with my emails and stuff . i was reading his new comments that was given or even typed by some human beings . i feel mad plus angry when i saw this girl telling PrettyBoy something in some cheeky ways . and and what surprised me is when she actually leave her HP number behind,at that comment box . haha! and she told PrettyBoy,if he had free time,do call her upp and they shall talk . i was pissed by that person and she's dare enough to talk (i,you,i,you) gatal-gatal ngan BF aku! hmmphf! tapi yang bagusnyer PrettyBoy dosen't reply to her cheeky comment . haha! im glad that my BF isn't a fool type of guy,i was glad! (:
We went to CauseWay Point after the boringg Sports Day to fill our empty stomach . we ate at Banquet and i ate Spicy Seafood Mee . nice,thanks ehh Ifah for telling me the name (: Hafiz Kenchet was with us and we actually bumped into his GF in that shopping centre . and to my surprised,he actually wanted to hide from his GF . when i asked him why he did that,he doens't tell me the exact thing but he just told me that he dosen't want to meet his GF and he dosen't want ot have GF anymore now . how could he? i told PrettyBoy,if he were to do the same thing as Hafiz did to his GF,i would definitely tell Cik Azmi,biar padan muke PrettyBoy! haha . its like tak baik lor . if you don't want to be with your GF or BF anymore,just tell them the truth and they would definitely accept it and don't you ever do that way . oh no way! andand PrettyBoy,don't you ever dare to do that to me,okeyy? (:
Cherokee's cheerleading was bad .
Ratings: 37.5 / 100
Lakota won the Cheerleading Championship! as i guessed,i told you . they will win!
Ratings: 98.5 / 100
Tomorrow,07:30 be in Full-Uniform for the Speech Day Full-Dress Rehearsal,again! i'm gonna missed Krazie Starr's performance,oh badd! Mum's gonna be backk later,at midnight . will be picking her upp at the airport,i think so . i just miss my PrettyBoy,my real PrettyBoy . he is not the usual him that i knew,what's happening? im proudly to annouce that Ilyana Farisha is my Besfriend now . but i still love My Kambings that is Zanna,Ifah & Mas . tapi korang sekarang FIMZ lorr && seems like Ilyana & Juey are getting better and better,closer and closer horr . im happy for you guys andand i LOVEE her,swear (: