;Saranghae oh!
That was Zanna's favouritee word in KOREA! The 2 days 1 night NPCC Unit camp in school was ubber fun yet tiring . i actually spraint my wrist . ok i don't know what happened . lol . soo,i've got soooooo muchh things to share ((: do enjoy my funny-fun-interesting cum enjoying camp experience && the pictures im gonna uploadddddd ((:
Go Aprostophe! Go Aprostphe! Go Aprostophe! GoGoGo!
shikalaka piyapiya shikalaka piyapiya suasuausa!
First Day
We had our PT in the morning,after marking our attendance and briefing . okeyy,the PT was good! we had our Helmer Drills and sing-a-song time while jogging . after that,the activities started . each group had to build their own shield for the next TeleMatch game that was prepared by our Faizal Sir & my sis herself . so,the so called "campcraft" time was good . Me & Shadiq (my scandal) is the one who always gives idea and the one who always do things for the group . i mean,the rest of my group consist of the Sec1,majority . && they are not spotting enough and too soft spoken . the teamwork is not there . oh,boringg .
Telematch was great . same goes foe the games,Water Bombs and stuff . so,we had Chicken Curry with Fishcake for our lunch and Sweet and Sour wth Nuggets for dinner . nicenice! the campfire was GOOOOD,bestt siot! we,the NCO's are the Song Leader for that night and we are the ones who lead the people for the songs and dance . my group was Group 2 . we had our name to,it was stated above . we did one short skit,like an advertisment stuff . it was my idea & Shadiq's . so,its the time that we've been waiting for soo longg! TREASURE HUNTTTT!
was exciting giler nak mapos nyer! bestt giler . each group are given clue,8 clues . and we had to find them around the school (dark dark dark) in our own groups and sequence . soo,okeyy,so many suspicious things that people saw . i won't touch on that . for all i know,me and Shadiq was the leader for that day so we stand in front and lead the group . Arshad & Khairul was at the backk . the rest are in the middle . so,at one time,i was so scared for a reason,i won't tell why . soo,when we're walking,i actually pull Shadiq's T-Shirt . okeyy,he was my scandal so what? haha,kidding (: so,he was my life-saver . Zanna tak mau jealous! so,we're the last to start and was the Second to finish . hoho =)
sleeping time was good . we slept in the GYM and bestt kan . cume,sakit kepale jeee . ouhhouhh,the Assumption C.I is handsooommmmeeeeeeeee! and the C.I from Swiss was cuuuttttteeeeee . okeyy,it was Zanna's . lols . i didnt have their picture with me,next time perhaps . so yupp,i'll upload the pics and will tell you out my "Kaprak Family Tree!" baaaeeeekkkkk punya! macam2 ada! (:
Water Bomb TeleMatch

Group 2 Shield For the TeleMatch 2

Zanna,Lina,Haziqah and Lijah's shield

NPCC Anual Camp 2007 campers .

Zanna,Dilla & Taufiq

DILLY & the hotest and cutest guy of my sec 2 cadets .

My "Kaprak" family . i'll introduce to u one-by-one soon ((:
From the bottom: Faizal Sir,our Grandpa
From the first row,left: Hazwan,Shadiq (my scandal cum husband),Lina (my scandal's child),Zanna (my scandal's first wife)
Second row,left: DILLY (me), Dina,Taufiq (Zanna & Hafiz's child),Hafiz (Zanna's scandal cum second husband) .
Last row,left: Hanis ( me & Shadiq's child),Lijah and Haziqah (our Grandmaa)
So basically it all started with Lina,asking Zanna to be her mummy . haha . then,Shadiq told us,Lina and Hazwan was his child . so,that means Shadiq is Zanna's husband . then,the complicated things starts . Shadiq told me to be his scandal . then,Hafiz told us he was Zanna's scandal too . so,they get married and got Taufiq . and i get married and get Hanis . hoho :D so,me & Zanna got our own BF . it was our handsome & cute sir from Assumption & Swiss . so,now,i got a scandal cum husband that is Shadiq and BF that is the sir from Assumption School . and as for Zanna,she got 2 husband . the first one is Shadiq and second is Hafiz . what's worst,she got BF too that is the sir from Swiss Cottage . hoho (:
parah siot . Haziqah & Faizal is our Grandmaa . && Lina's married too! to Hannan . but too bad he's not in that picture . lol . so yes,funny right? scandal's around and soo many child . haha! funny (: so that's about it . our Camp was Ubber Funn . && next year's camp,we,the NCO's gonna plann about it . ouhh,i cant wait! && now,i felt weird . i think i got a __________________ . secret! no on'e to know . but nope! i cant,i have to forget bout it because i have _______________ now .
ok now,im waiting for my brave momment to ask my dada about going to Playden,The Art House for my 65&Hope Gig Show . die die i have to go . i've already invited and it's something i cant miss! okeyy,kakak went out already . i have to ask myself . nak cakap aper ehh? takot lorr -______- wish me luckk ((:
"" was Posted On: Friday, June 22, 2007 @20:50 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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