okeyy,i just cant wait to laugh at my Cherokee House Cheerleading Team . i just cant wait to see Lakota's action! i know they gonna win this year! all the bestt,LOVEE! i just cant wait to go to school i mean to the Woodlands Stadium with PrettyBoy & frens . i just cant wait to be in the Mohegan house (i'll tell you why) with PrettyBoy and Davidd they all . i just cant wait to slack tomorrow . okeyy,all larhh i cant wait ((:
while i was eating Mee Soto for my recess,Ima,Mus & Mal came upp to me . i was shocked . okeyy,confirmed pasal cheerleading . they told me Miss Evon Tan wanted to see me . i was surprised . haha! so,i told them i don't want to . unfortunately,Miss Tan show up infront of me . angrily,she asked why didn't i join in this year . && to my freaking shock,she even asked me that question . i was like,fucking Lijah,u didn't tell her im not joining . baskett sia . so,i was scolded and give her some excuses . well,i didn't wanna join cheer this year as:
(a) My mum's away and i have to get back home early as to take care of my lil' sis .
(b) I'm bored with this cheer shit and i know my house can't make it . nuisence
(c) i'm gonna be embarassed if my cheers are unperfect in PrettyBoy's eyes .
(d) i have no interest in cheers actually
(e) my heart and soul are in my dances ONLY .
so now,i didnt turn upp at the school hall for their LAST practice today at 2:15 pm . PrettyBoy and me went home early like usual . okeyy,tak kuase aku nak layan bende2 macam nie . so,i have no idea how Miss Tan gonna react tomorrow . and how the routine and cheers turn out to be tomorrow . actually,thruthfully speaking,i felt pity for them . its like im the captain you see . i thought of helping them but i don;t feel like to . && i have to learn not to only care for other people's feelings but for mine too! ((:
so,to prevent Miss Tan from scolding me tomorrow,i planned with PrettyBoy and Davidd to wear Mohegan House T-shirt tomorrow . lols (: malas larhh aku . tahun hadapan,insyaallah!
yesterday,one of our Security Guard,Encik Alias passed on . at around 10:00 am in the morning at NUH hospital . at first,while Mr Koh was annoucing the morning annoucements, i saw him walking at the school carpark and suddenly i was Uncle Song,Mr Ramesh and many St. John Ambulance Brigade people running toward the carpark . coincidently,yesterday was St John's day . i don't know what's happening . so,after we had our recess,the principal annouced the upper sec student to go to the hall . and we were told that he had an heart attacked . so,easy said,he passed on at school actually . && at 10:00m am at NUH,he was confirmed to be gone .
i was shocked and yes,i did cry . that man is polite and kind . i've always talk and joke around with him while im on school . he's a nice man . i think,he's age is around in the 50s . so,i hope he would rest in peace . && the moral of the incident is that "Life is precious" we don;t know when we are going to die and what so ever . so,treasure you life before it's too late .
Surveys from MySpace Bulletins .
How much have you changed?
---- 6 Years Ago -------
How old were you?: 9
Where did you go to school? Concord Primary
Where did you work?: haha. i didnt work
Where did you live?: Choa Chu Kang Avenue 5
Where did you hang out?: home.
Did you wear glasses?: i've not been wearing thme all of my life .
Who was your best friend(s)at that time? Afiqah & Ain
How many tattoos did you have? none.
How many piercings did you have?: two.
How many scars? none .
What car did you drive?: i didn't drive.
Had you been to a real party? haha. nope.
Had your heart broken?: nope.
Were you Single/Taken/Married/Divorced?: oh you dont wana know!
-------------2 years ago-----------
How old were you?: 13
Where did you go to school?: Hillgrove Secondary
Where did you work?: work in sense of disturbing people? haha!
Where did you live?: Bukit Batok West Avenue 2
Where did you hang out? i don;t usually hang out
Did you wear glasses? NO larh bodoh!
Who were your best friend(s)?: Zanna,Ifah & Mas
How many tattoos did you have? never in a million years.
How many scars? one -____-
How many piercing do you have? 3
What car did you drive?: still no car,kereta sorong included tak? lols
Had your heart broken?: hyeaah.
Were you Single/Taken/Married/Divorce?: taken..
How old are you?: 14 going on 15 in 3 months time (:
what school do u go to? still in Hillgrove Secondary
Where do you live? still in Bukit Batok West Avenue 2
Do you wear glasses?: Tak larhh! LAST warning ehh??!!
Who are your best friends?: i've got no Bestfriend . all gone . i supposed PrettyBoy is my BF & Bestie? haha! Shasha too (:
Do you talk to your old friends? of course.
How many piercings do you have?: back to TWO
How many tattoos? dont have one lah
How many scars? still one ^_^
What kind of car do you have?: in 6 and the half years time, Insyallah =]
Has your heart been broken?: YES . i hope not in future,again!
Are you Single/Taken/Married/Divorce?: Taken as in ATTACHED (:
RE-post them at your blog if u wanna . ask from me,first . and i shall copy and paste for you to make it easier for you (: