some overdue pictures on Sunday,10 June 2007 =)
Swensen's treat from Abg Fazli . and i ate,i donnoe what's the name . lols (:
im craving for it again and again . Combo 1 really rocks my boxers . yumyumyum! sdapp lorr
okeyy,my face is clean now . no pimples! hoho
i've always wanted to buy this watch . EVERLAST,lawaa ehh! (:
Saye sungguh bosan duduk di rumah . saya sedang mengidamkan Long John Silver Combo 1 dan juge Mocha Ice-Blended dari Coffee Bean . sungguh lazat . saye juga sedang menunggu-nunggu kepulangan Fahmy dari entah saye tak tahu dan juge menunggu panggilan nye untuk saye . i received a message just now . i was excited then,i thought it was from my love but it was from my sis . lol,suspend only . i couldn't believe that he went out earlier than yesterday . he went out at 12 when i called him at 12.46 noon . i've not been having proper meals these few days .
i really wanna eat something nice that was bought by my prettyprettypretty boy . ok no,something nice that i could eat and enjoy at the same time . i've not eaten rice for some days . i mean rice with some lovely yummylicious delicious dishes . sedap kan cam tu? and not to forget,i want my ice-blended . oh sedap lorr . no,i want my phone call from PrettyBoy . sampai bile la nak macam nie eh? awak ader masalah eh? kenape tak bilang kite? ok takper . asalkan awak masih ____ kite tu dah cukup bagus da . okey,senang kate aku lapar larh sey .
i don't know what to do la . myspacing is my company . same goes when im sleeping . i mean,at night before i could close my eyes and before i was brought into the world of dreams . all i could do is to switch on my phone's media player and listen to some songs . and cry . and give a thought of what's happening . oh,i remember saying that on my previous post . lols . okey,aku tak tau nak buat ape . yang aku tau aku nk leave a message on his profile . ok bye! (:
Menstruation Cramps are killing me deeply dan perut aku sungguh kosong . aku lapar . jom cari makan .
Wouldn't it be nice if someone who could actually listens and understand what i feel right now . and im really missing my prettyboy badly,really badly . i donnoe how to express them but i just don't know . all i could think is what if we both are seperated? does he started to hate me? but what have i done wrong? towards him? when will he return my calls? so many questions are playing in my mind but is he good enough to feel what im feeling right now? but,when can i meet him upp? its been a week already . i really miss him . oh dear,don't do this to me,will you? i don't care . im going to do the same thing like previously . no matter what happens,i have to meet u upp . hug u tight and tell you how much i love you . how deep my love is towards you . and to place my lips on ur sexy lips . and to hold your hand and not to let go . telling you how much i suffer and i couldn't bear to continue this way . don't make it this way,will you? ok DILLA kau macam paham je . ok aku testing je larhh . tak la sampai macam tu kan . heh!