248 Days together .
5952 hours together,357120 minutes together .
&& 8 months and 4 Days together .
but i still cant believe it . i don't know why . maybe its because i put a veryy high hopes on him about us,our relationship,our love and our future . but,its all gone now . and its unbelieveable when the 3rd party comes in,Ain,who schools in Yusof Ishak Secondaryy . she knew about me & PrettyBoy together for suchaa long time and instead of leaving us alone,she actually confessed to PrettyBoy that she loves him alot whereas she attched to a guy called,i forget his name (:
so,last monday on Youth Day,my sis bumped into them at Bugis and i wasn't quite suspicious about what's happening . the next day,our recess time . after eating,i went to seat beside him and try to talk to him . but then,i didn't even get to hear his voice . when i asked him questions and stuff,he would simply give me his head body language . after then,i read my taggy which a nice kind-hearted girl tagged me and told me about him dating on another girl now . i was shocked like hell but i take it easyy . and try to see what's happening now .
so many coincidence happened on tuesday . so many things pooped onto my mind about the related things happened . so,i was scared something unexpectable happened . so,the following day was my emmbarasement day . i cried in the morning before our flag-raising . Zanna asked me what happen . so i told her Fahmy got a new girl . then,its soo nice of her to lend me her shoulder to cryy on and give me a warmm hug . thanks my love (:
i've thought about it . so,recess time,after eating Nasi Ayam with Yana . i wanted to look for PrettyBoy and asked him about what's happening . so,this is the crucius part . i went upp to him and say:
DILLA: "can i talk to you?"
Fahmy: "hold onn,wait a second"
after few seconds ........
Fahmy: "yeah,what you wanna say?"
DILLA: "i've heard all around,about you having anew girl . is it true?"
Fahmy: (just keep quiet)
DILLA: "c'mon,what's my mistake? where did i went wrong? i don't remember hurting you and do sumthing wrong towards you? tell me the truth and we'll clear everything back again ."
Fahmy: "it's none of your business,forget about me now and let's break upp"
and as u expected,i cried all along . so,i have to be strong as im having my parade next . and again,on my parade,i saw him but i told myself not to look at him . not even a glance,forget about everything .
and now,i've lost everything . i've once told myself:
if anything will to happen,i will not give upp and will try my veryy best to get everything back together . but now,i don't have the courage to . just because the 3rd party,PrettyBoy's willing to change and leave everything behind . as for the past,there's a third party too into coming in to our relationship . a guy who confess to me he loves me alot and i do told PrettyBoy about it . but i didn't give even a single effing care to that guy . i cant deny too that PrettyBoy is cutee and has a good-looking face which most girls can fall for . but with them having around us,PrettyBoy wouldn't even care . but now,its all different . and that Ain is really suchaaa bitch . she's attached and now,wanna steal PrettyBoy from me? wth sia? but whatever it is,everything has happened and i cant turn the clock back in the past time . life's gotto move on .
i kept on repeating myself that,life's gotto move on . but i cant . it happnes just soo far too fast for me . very fast . i cant accept the fact yet . and sumtimes,i would questioned myself: i've already broke up with Fahmy? really? but anyway,i didn't regret being together with him before . but i regret for giving in too much for him . and left the person who's willing to love me with all of his heart and soul for me and is willing to wait for me no matter what happens and tok place . and now,i regret cause i lost both . the one i had crush on last time which once is my PrettyBoy and the one who have waited for me for such a long time .
labels: Turn the clock back in time for me,can?