Life in school right now is definitely waaaay different compared to the past years. The surroundings and the friends changed. What i meant was,some went off for their new school. But whatever it is,time goes by and everything can't stay on forever. So,learn to live with it cause deep in my heart,the girls/friends whom have been with me for the past crazy years,are the best among the best ones i can ever get. And lovelies,you havta know that i miss you girls very much with all of my organs and cells! (part nie,macam paham).

My crazy nigga mommaaa!

The middle; Sister from another mother&father. Massafurah!
And today,i'm still glad i'm left with these gorgeous ones. At least,they made me laugh everyday in class. Life in seondary school for the 5th year isn't gonna be as bad/boring as i imagined it would be,i HOPE. Keep on concentrating to achieve whatever i want and yeah,10 more months to endure! Give it the BEST shot for ONCE and we shall call it quit after that!
Till then!
Labels: admit it, you need someone