Hottest,Sexiest,Coolest,Cutest,Handsomest guy ever in the universe!

Beckham,sexiest soccer player ever in mankind.

Ahh yes,the HOT former model and now,a photographer. Nigel Barker
Yang nie memang tak payah cakap,memang Handsome teros! The Rock maaaaan!
Already aged BUT STILL! :D Ben Stiller
Ahh man,i have a crush on him from the first time i watched ANTM - Jay Manuel

Yang nie memang tak payah cakap,memang Handsome teros! The Rock maaaaan!

Now,i wish i could squeeze him. Fucking sexy like,zomg lah. Justin Timberlake
Elvin Ng. Great local actor AND freaking hot
Another HOT one lah,tell me about it *faints* Channing Tatum!
Annnnnnnnd,Christopher Leeeeeeee (tok kong) HEH :P
But certainly not this one of course! I'm still wondering who the hell is the real actor for Jason in Friday The 13th.

But of course,i still have lots of those pictures of Hot guys to upload,but i'm just lazy. Then,it'll be the SEXY & HOT Girls/Women's version next. And i bet,the guys will go orgasmic. HAHAHA. Oh yeah man,it's Friday the 13th again today! And it's like,the second time for JUST this year. Cool indeeed. Okay so basically,it's the last day of school today and how i wish it's really the end of secondary school life for me. But,quite dreaming lah fucker,you still have got 7 more months to go before O'levels. Macam cibai kia. But what to do,major exams again really sucks. Well,at least there's ONE week of break,yeah AT LEAST. Or,i'll be drowned by assignments yet again. I'm only left with a day to pack those stuffs to bring for KL trip. And,that's very troublesome cause i havta think of what clothes i havta bring and wear. HAHA,sounds like as if i'm going there for a year :D But hey,i've not been day for 6 years okay!
After which,i havta deal with this whole switching of phone issues. YEAY! Change to a new touch-screen phone,finally. (although i want another model,but heck) It's still cool maaaynn XD I guess,that's all for now. I don't have any interesting thing to share and that's the reason why i put up those nonsense pictures,BAHAHA. Anyway,if you readers have any enquires about anything,you know how to reach for me ayeee :D Till here! And to those boys and girls who's having their term break right now,enjoy your holiday to the fullest lah alright. Have a safe trip to wherever you guys are going! =D
Annyongi Kyeseyo! <3
Labels: we havta admit it one day