This weekend was a stressing and tiring one,indeed. Had to attend the O'levels Mother Tongue workshop till 1230 hours yesterday. Rushed home and did those housework. Then,meet Nurie at Dhoby Ghaut at 5pm as we're supposed to catch Danceworks BUT,i was late and so,we give it a missed. It was raining drizzily and the crowd was big enough for me to say,let's just skip it. And,that was the reason why we didn't went to Botanical Garden too. Then,we had a hard time to decide where we should have our meals. Since that babygirl's birthday is coming up,i treat her to the Swensen (sounds like as if im so RICH). Afterwhich,we just walk down the stretch of Orchard Road to find some stuffs. And,we bid goodbye as i'm going to meet up with Fatwan at Bugis and Nurie's meeting her friends over at Marina Square!

Fish and Chips - Nurie's
Crispy waffle with vanilla ice-cream plus caramel sauce on top - MINE!
(i want straight teeth lah,ohmygeez)
Fatwan was nice enough to fetch me at Bugis and we then headed down to Beats. Eventually,not everyone was there. And thank god Ira and Ika was there to accompany me too. I have a hard time keeping quiet cause that's just not me - well,everyone knows about it. HAHA. Fortunately,Yan was there to crap with me! So,there goes him with his Nasi Goreng. Hahaha. Funny lah hor,FUNNY XD They just talked nonsense about joining Anugerah,laughing,crapping,said a BIG hello to Fauzi Laily,laughed like crazy when Yan had this whole bird-shit thingy on his arm. That was the funniest,it's just crazy. Then,when it's time for Dante's Theory's set,i went off alone. Yalah,havta be brave enough to walk down the street alone. And so,that was my saturday :)
And today,my mum woke me up as early as 9am in the morning. It's like what the hell,cause usually,sunday will be the day whereby i'll wake up as late as i wish. But hell,cousins are coming over so we havta do alot of cookings and houseworks,like AGAIN (!!) HAHA. And they came over,wasn't that fun cause we're not really close to them. Then,Riyan and family came over. It was fun,laughing on Abang Fazly's nonsense. And oh! Finally i received my 4 box of inhalers from Kak Lin which i think is ALOT. Bahahaha. That was my day! Plain one indeeeed.
HAHAHAHA,nonsense lah Dilla. Sorry,i'm bored man
Labels: and they fought again