Everyone's been pestering me to upload a picture of me with my new hair. Ah nah,i don't look any better. It's just the same old boring me. Even with my changed hairstyle. I can't really describe how my new hair looks like but,it's just short with some layered at the back and it's longer at both sides. Majority love it,even the classmates and i don't know why. It's not that i don't like this hairstyle,but it's just that if i were to cut them like iika's,i'll look much better in a way or another. But,i've got no regrets cause i want a drastic change and a fresh new hair. I won't be like those dumbfucks whose gonna try for their freaking short hair when i know,my hair can grow so fast,faster than i expected. So,i'm getting it back straight in a few day's time then wallaaa! I'm gonna let it down when in school XD
Saturday was well-spent,i guess so. I was so late that i didn't make it on time to meet Iika. Afterwhich,we proceeded to Fareast plaza to collect her stuffs and get my hair cut. It was awesome cause the haircut only cost $5.90. I had hair treatments and wash at the same time so it cost me $18.90. Freaking cheap and really worth it :) Bumped into Rara and Nosey there. Chatted for a short while then proceeded to Odiocrib. Our friend's band was the FIRST few band that perform instead of the LAST fews. And,that's sucha wasted trip for us. We're damn tired and hungry like hell,but oh well. Was perspiring,it's really wet. Odio is a bad place,HAHA.
Then,Srii joined us and we went around to find Mc'donalds. Had our dinner and a great long chat and then met the rest back at Raffles City Link (eh?) HAHA. Afterwhich,we went to UOB to lepak. Iika was funny when she found something,HA HA HA. Really crazy eh XD Sat down for a short while then bid goodbye to the rest cause Iika and myself is totally tired. Trained back home and hoho,that was our saturday! :D And sunday,like usual,it's a staying at home day. Nothing new about it! =D
Iraaaa yang adorable sekali!
Freaking cute lah MondreeeAlamak Iika ke. HAHA,cute eh you!
And HOHO,my new short haaaair! XD
ish astaragfirullahhalazim,tak cantik betol gigi aku!
Perfect act cute picture,finally.
So,prolly after i've straighten back my hair,i'll upload and show them to you readers.
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