HAH! Finally this blogger thingy deicded to be kind to me((: Better stay off this way! Anyway,i was trying so hard to send the pictures snapped to people who wants them,but i shall try doing it again as Hotmail it being another bitch now,HAHA. And if you want any of those picture,tell me and i'll try to send them asap too! =D

Everyone knows how i show my love to Ayu the other day ;)

And this,Mok with her little one

ah,amek kau. Sampai terpelanting ke bawah.

And this,is Hilly's 08th Annual Track & Field Day! =D

Samad look so different than his usuals
We didn't took part in any event yet,we're down at the track waiting for results like as if we're winning something.
Alia,the crazy yet adorable one.
The coool runners
See what i mean? We're weren't involve at all yet we're in it! Total crazy!
Ahhh,The HOTEST teacher in school. Miss Poon and Mr Bambang

PAUL from Koreaaaaaaa!
Last year's was Terenjit and this year was Alif.
And then there's Nawwarah who said; I love TC! Bahahaha,habis kau Nawwarah.
Pandai betol ini anak amek gambar aku tengah bual.

It was hella crazy on how Reg got an unpredictable side-kick from Ziq during Asa&Ama's set. She was breathless and couldnt even stand,not even walk. She look all pale and that really scares most of us. But thank god she was all fine after that. Especially when it comes to Kuch's set. HAHAHA,so cute eh you. But that's not all. It was crazy during Ragdoll played people's most favourite song when everyone was started going more to the front and i fell down,right infront of those freaking speakers,fell flat down to the ground. Nasib camera aku tak ape-ape. Kalau tak,mati aku. HAHAHA. And Jason and the photographer was so kind to pick me up after that. It's just crazy but hey,that's was the best set i should say! :D
Okay dah itu jeeeeeeeeeee XD
Labels: just one opportunity