HOMG,i've not print out the pictures and i hope the master piece is going on well down there. And on another sad and dilemma note,i actually lost my money when purchasing one of the birthday present :( It's kinda sad cause it's alot and i don't know how in the freaking world i lost them but oh well,i think it's a test for meee lah eh to see on how i handle a nerve-wrecking situation. So,i'm still finding ways to solve it. And i managed to recover them with the help of Yani and Reg. Thanks alot babies((: And,hopefully everything turns out good and OH,i HOPE someone doesn't faint tomorrow when reading the master piece! :D Oh geez,i'm so nervous.
Labels: master piece
(actually,birthday dia semalam)
You're the best mum in the world,and i love you so much! ;) May you have a long-live life and,stay pretty and young like you always doooooo.
Labels: whose birthday next
One FANTASTIC movie,ever shown. You couldn't ask for more. The movie and the animations are phenomenal. It's an honour to catch them on the day of release itself. So folks,better go catch them! :D
Labels: Transformers
Our characteristics are just so similar. We bond so well,way better compared to your other two daughters. That's when i was small,then. You taught me so much,you and mum taught us to be independent since young,buy things that we wanted with our very own money,since we're a kid. You taught us to be responsible and a sensible person. As i grew up,i did a couple of things which might have hurt you in a way or another. I know,you once said,we're no angels,and we sometimes too did some mistakes in life,but i never took that for granted. Eversince i saw your tears came rolling down your cheek,I then realised i was so childish at that point of time to disappoint you again and again. I then started to be more sensible like you want me to be and be more mature in everything i did.
We may quarrel alot of times over small things,but once thing for sure,even when i say i hated you,i've never meant it. Cause i know,you're the best dad i've ever had in the world. Even thought i've never had any other dad before. You trust me,you seldom yell and gets mad at me. You believe in me and you always give me your blessings in the things that i wanna do. Not talking to you seems so awkward to me,and i never want that to ever happen again. And so,i hope one day,when i managed to chase my dream and achieve all of my goals and get the things i've plan in life,i'll bring you and mum along to feel the happiness and my success.
I know it's gonna be a slightly late,but i still wanna wish my handsome,tall and loving dad,
a very HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! May you have a long-live and a blissful life. Love you,Ayah.
Labels: Father's Day
Saturday,13th June 2009.

And,here she comes!

Should watch the drama,Kekasihku Seru,it was awesome,like really! It's a great marathon at home though. HEY! Moving out to bigger house in 3 weeks time! XD
Labels: moving out in 3 weeks
Kay,finally blogger is being kinda nice to me as i managed to upload those pictures of Yani's birthday surprise to share with you guys. It was in school though :D

The chocolate cake

Ni birthday aku ke dia? Aku pulak lah kan yang potong cake,hahaha.
Dia nie bukannye ape,KONONNYE terperanjat bile aku kasi jam Pooh tu lah kan ;P

Those who were involved.

Okay,that's all. Kinda lazy to upload moreeeee. So,yesterday was spent at Singapore Poly. Yeah,we had thise whole SP experience thingy. It's like,wtf cause we didn't managed to go to the course we choose. Instead,we had Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering. Sapa mau jadi engineer,betol? HAHA. It was kinda boring lah,but the best part about the course experience was when we learn about how the theme park & jacuzzi works. It was kinda interesting,the rest about robots,air-crafts and aeroplanes,errr,nope. But hey,it was worth going caz Sheik Haikel was thereeeeeee! XD He had his whole hip-hop performance going on. The whole,rapping thingy was awesomeeee. And the rappers and breakers ARE EXTREMELY HOT :D
It's gonna be mid-June soon. I can't wait for the time to tick faster. Caz,staying over at our new house is the only thing i'm looking forward to,REALLY! Oh,the house is all in a big mess. Boxes stacked everywhere,here and there. I'd say,it already occupies half of the living room. Bedrooms getting emptier each time. Oh laala~ So,holla to all guys out there! You guys are gonna be the ones helping ouuuuuuuuuuut in about 4 weeks time! :D
Labels: moving house soooooon

I tried to upload the surprise pictures but failed to. Blogger always have issues,lol. Shall try uploading them soooooon. So,the birthday surprise for Muhammad Suryani really went off well. We were so jumpy and anxious,but oh well. Everything went off smoothly. So,to everyone especially Samad and Ifah,thanks for the great help! Azeana tooo for knocking on my door in the very morning! So,Muhammad Suryani yang perasan Mrs Chia and Syaifrizman tu kan,here's for you baby!
Happy 17th (alah,baru 17!) birthday darling! Wish you longetivity & prosperity. May you lead a beautiful life with your family,especially Ghazali i and Shahrul scandalisma i! And,hope you have a great birthday celebration with your loved ones and hope you enjoy the surprise just now,although it's just a simple one. And,the Winnie The Pooh watch! :D Love you like literally aloooooot,and may your wish come true! <33333>
Labels: Yani's sweet 17
To consider for only this week,there's a few who has lost someone whom they love,alot. Be it the auntie,the grandpa,the god-grandpa,the uncle,the father and even,the son. But what else can we do? It's all fate and we havta accept that. All we can do is to only pray for them,hopefully they'll rest in peace. And maybe,the bell has already rung,to inform the people to start to repent. Or maybe,whatever?
Mother Tongue O'levels paper was kinda hard,but still okay. I doubt i'll get As for this paper. Maybe B3? Dogs my cats,damn. I've calculated and i'm sure to have 3 confirmed mistakes. Give away marks siol. Heck,i'm sooooo gonna re-take during end of year if i didnt get at least A2! :( Nothing new that have got to be updated. Only that,i've gotta start putting in a little bit more effort for everything i'm doing right now. Hopefully,some people will see it in a way or another. To whoever i misses,let's meet up sooooon! <33333
Labels: repent and changes