My boyfriend just passed out as a 3rd Sergeant! How can i not be so proud of him after the tough trainings he's been thru for the whole 8 months? :D But now, he's posted back to Tekong like he was back in BMT days. Nevertheless, i hope that he'll be an instructor there just so life would be better for him in a way or another. Doesn't matter where you are, im still there to support you no matter what baby. 14 months till ORD ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
And as for me, i've been working too hard, too extremely hard for the upcoming 2011 OAC January Intake Camp. It was sucha hectic moment, but by the time it passes, i know it's gonna be a fruitful one since we've put in so much effort. How it not be when i've used all of my holiday time going to and fro' to school all day everyday! Camp is just next week and hopefully, everything will go according to plan, Insyaallah.
Ya'll have a great week! :D