Okay,these are the pictures for last week's Singapore Idol LIVE. And,i'm sooo going again tomorrow since i'm giving it a miss for next week's. Boleh cari jodoh kat sana,confirm bersepah :D And,finally i'm getting my hair back on track! So exciting!
The cousins & friends
and,we're the agent-cody banks
Okay siapa nak jodoh nie,angkat tangan!

alamak,Pak Isa ke tu? HAHAHA
Zanna's scary movie face,HAHAHA hilarious!
Labels: singapore idol ONE
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 @19:47 | 0 lovely comments ✿
More updates,more pictures and more stories to be shared. Meanwhile,have a happy time going round visiting different houses! :D And i'm going for Singapore Idol LIVE again for the second time this weeeeeeeeeeek,yeay! xD
Labels: be right back
"" was Posted On: Monday, September 28, 2009 @22:58 | 0 lovely comments ✿
HAI! Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslims all over the world. Also to whoever's not celebrating it - whoever you may be,still,Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri! :D This is the picture for the 1st day of Raya. So,enjoy! xD
Raya family photo 2009
the ALMOST TWIN cousin
Labels: selamat hari raya 2009
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 @19:40 | 0 lovely comments ✿
(last year's)
The best part about this year is that i didnt even let one of my fasting day go waste. Okay,just minus the menses days. And,it's a great achievement y'know. No more kindergarten behaviour,stealing foods from the kitchen and all :D HAHAHA. And,i guess maybe the Hari Raya atmosphere isn't in the air to be felt yet. Perhaps,later during late night/by tomorrow morning. Well,like every year,all i'm looking forward for to the 1st day of Raya is to meet all of the lovely cousins tomorrow! HORAAAYY! xD Hey,it's hard to have the FULL gatherings without anyone being absent and it only happen once a year!
I loveeeee to joke around caz i wanna see everyone around me smile/laugh and happy. But you know,sometimes during those joking moments,i MIGHT hurt anyone accidentally. But for sure,i never want it to happen. So,like everybody else,if i have ever did anything wrong,i'm so sorry. And i shall not let it happen again alright. And i wanna wish everyone a very great SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI! May this year's be a fantastic one for you guys! && Happy collecting green packet tomorrow alright! :D
Oh yes,before i forgot. I would like to congratulate my lovely cousin as his wife JUST gave birth to their first baby today,at 1612hours. It's a double happiness for his family,and as for us as well! We're really excited to meet our new family member and hopefully,his wife can be discharge from KK Hospital tomorrow to join us for Hari Raya! :D
Labels: Raya 2009
"" was Posted On: Saturday, September 19, 2009 @23:13 | 0 lovely comments ✿
third from the left,fourth from the right.
A piece of memory for more than just a year. Humans thought i'm totally over it,which of course i said i am. But today,i've decided not to keep it in the dark anymore. Yes,i'm not over it yet. Maybe just a portion of it,but not totally. Don't ask me why i brought this old shit again,i'm just unsure why. But one thing for sure,i do miss those time very much. Times when i know,the world seems so perfect having someone there for me. Yes,i can be so jovial and laugh most of the time but that does not determine that i'm happy. And yes,i've learnt my lesson although i'm left for no valid reason. I've become a better person and thanks for changing me for someone better Tim. Hey,even though i'm leading on another path in life,i can never forget you for someone that i once love all of my heart. A great piece to remember sometimes. So now,can i have someone to give me some motivation for everything that's happening around me? I seem so lost,fuck :'(Labels: i still do
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 @16:20 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Pictures of Teacher's Day 2009 & Break-fast at my new house with Cikukunyiaaaahhh. Teacher's Day was hmmmm,boring? HAHA. There's only a few people turn up for that day,the rest had their self-MC. So,since it's just a few people around,we came up with the idea of playing the old school-Musical Chair. Hey,it's was FUN okay! I didn't took part so instead,i was the one who's in-charge of the musics.
Forever jodoh! Kay fine,that's my handsome discipline master siol.
That's what you get from me when i'm freaking hyper.
see what i mean? :D
from this toooooooo .....
sebok je Han kat belakang
Musical Chair! Focue on Yunis! HAHAHAHA xD
The second me - this is what you get when she's insane!
Well,Mr Chia was asking me to teach him few dance move,so i showed him.
Last friday,Ifah,Zanna,Samad and Azeana came over to my new house to have our break-fast together. It was super-fun and crazy. It was getting more insane after Azy left us for Geylang. There's just laughter everywhere. Hundred over pictures is with Zan so,gotta wait till she sent or something. And lastly,i'll never say NO to us break-fasting together again in future! It's really F-U-N! Jamiyaaaaaah~
Focus on Zanna,focus on ZANNA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :D
eeeeee,bau telinga Baby buat apa Zan?
Sepak sikit,please!
Samad was nice to bring this for us! Lovely brownies made by his sister.
Ifah kalau ngantok,BALIK RUMAH TIDUR!
Zanna's hilarious face! HAAHAH,cutee meh!
Labels: laughters
"" was Posted On: Monday, September 07, 2009 @15:23 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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