It's incredibly insane to realise that 2009 is coming to an end. Prolly,i was just so occupied with works and stuffs and that i didn't even keep track of the dates. Yeah,it's eve of New Year already,now. 2009 has been kinda ah-okay year for me. It wasn't the best,it wasn't the worst either. There wasn't new love,there wasn't commitments. Which is the almost the best part. Single throughout the whole year eh :D And besides,yeah i've managed to complete my O'levels tho' it suck hardcore. Meet new awesome people,get to know people,this and that. It was a pleasure. I've not met only ONE of 2009's resolution,that is my SEXY LEGS,but will get it done by early 2010! HAHA. So,wishing you guys a HAPPY NEW YEAR and yeap,may Gold bless you pretty peoples yeah! ;D
On another note,Thanks for the huge favour you've done Zamy. It was appreciated alot,tho' we're lost on your way back home,and that you made me have cramps all over. Me love your black HOT scrambler alot,and the razor helmet,damn hot loh! Thank you okay. And Keledek,happy typing your gonna-deadline reports. Miss awak loh :( OH YEAH! MY KACHING KACHING JUST MASUK TODAY! NYEAHAHAHAHA,200 richer man! ;D How can i not be happy? Ini baru 200bucks,pay belum lagi okay! hahaha Zara's on sales too and im'ma buy those HOT dresses,tomorrow! :DDDD
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