&& it's soo sweet of SVC to bought us a chocolate cake from Prima Deli .

the usual,camwhoring time before proceed on for bowling .

the present which i LOVE most . although it may seems cheap,the thought that counts! Syah gave me this as its like as if he really knew i wanted Walt Disney Mug badly! soo cute! *kening naik-naik*
Is'syah . the very first photo i getto snapped with him,together! *smile widely like The Rock*
so,the following day,after the lil' one done with the swimming at late afternoon,i spent all of my time resting at home . cause' it's been a tiring one actually . so yeah,i slept all the way till night,and do my daily routine,to keep Syah accompany till 3 am in the morning (the usual) . before then,we planned to catch a movie on monday,the next day . The Game Plan . and thank god,my mum allows me to .
Met Syah then at 4.30 pm at Outram Park platform as we're heading to Vivo City to catch them . like,its our first time going there,watching movie . well,The Game Plan was so SUPER DUPER great i tell you! really gotto catch them if u have not! && what's great,more exciting movies coming upp starting from tomorrow,22 Nov 2007 (thursday) . && yeah,me and Syah planned to catch Enchanted and Fred Clause next week . and guess what,he's sooooooo sweeet . he actually gave me treats for everything,especially Long John Silver . and he brought ONE straw for myself . i then starred at the straw until he realises it . he was like,why are you staring at them? i then said,im not used to drinking using only one straw . i usually, use two . he straight away get up,i hold his hand to stopped him but he say,never mind,im gonna take another one for us . so,what great? he himself starting to learn to drink using TWO straws like me . silly you,yet you're cute ^_^
headed to Vivo City yesterday with my family,excluded my dad,who's working (like again,vivo!) and i bought this LOVELY BROWN COLOURED HOODIE which cost 33 bucks from Forever 21! omg,that was the last piece u know! how lucky i was . && im really in love with that hoodie . again,me and my sis bought a black dress from bugis and she bought Ripples slippers for herself . btw,sorry for the date error lor . i wanna update this thingy on monday but i didnt have time to complete them . so here i am today,get them done! so yeap,ATC Camp is tomorrow,yet i have not pack a single thing yet! siao ting tong! && this week is such a tiring one for me! goddamit . and sunday,im having the kendarat thingy too . i wonder if i can wake up after such a tiring camp,for the following day . grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr -__-
oh btw,my cousin get married just now . so yeah,Selamat Pengatin Baru horr! moge-moge hingga ke anak dan cucu dan selanjutnye! bile la aku nyer turn? hahahahahaha! joking .
labels: i know im gonna miss you for this 3 days =(