tried to upload this pic as my DP at myspace to see the responds given after receiving several compliments from MSN people . && what's great,i can get 20 over pic comment,just for this one in just a day . can u believe that? haha,silly . cause' this seems soo fugly to me,and this picture is soo damn long i tell u . but then,orang kate HOT eh . giler nak mampos . *mati aku*
so,what's great about today fellas? i've been spending my whole entire day doing chores and helping my mum out for the chalet thingy,which is tomorrow . mam aku nyer laki,penat giler sey . seriously,my leg's screw are all lose . and,i feel like breaking them apart and get them attached back . siot jek . but,everything's gonna worth it . the chalet gonna turns out goood,believe me . && i really cant wait for tomorrow . not only the excitement was for tomorrow,even now . my cousins are all at my place,spending their night here . soooo shiok =)
so,whoever's coming for my chalet tomorrow,text me so that i'll know in advance . so yeah,have a happy fri-turday ^_^
labels: omg,he's soooo cute . he owns a sexy hair and he's sooooooo sweet . mampos,separuh giler sak aku . yesyes,im gonna meet him up for the very FIRST time in less than 21 hours from now . and,im giving him chocolate as the first gift for tomorrow . what's his for me? *cheeky smile* ^_^ ^_^ ^_^