;Tell me something new baby .
11th December 2007,Tuesday .
Went to catch a movie with Is'syah and Dian at Cineleisure . watched ENCHANTED . omg,that's a GREAT show i tell you! i reaaaaaally feel like watching them again! seriously,no regrets watching them . at first,i thought it was kinda boring as it starts off with the fairy tales and stuff . as it goes along,the storyline became more and more exciting . *grins widely* haha .
12th December 2007,Wednesday .
Went to catch Is'syah's gig . waited for the rest of the SVC to show upp . one word for them,LATEEEE! they are super duper late! annnnd,we getto watch Syah sang the song Jenny,for a short while only . grrrrrrrr! but anyways,i did enjoy myself watching him performing,live just right in front of me . singing while looking at me,and smiled at me . *melts* haha . he's cute while singing though . AND,i didnt know he have GREAR VOICE! *senyum lebar-lebar mc THE ROCK* well,i'd say,all the songs he wrote was a VERY GOOD ONE! definitely . sooo,im soo looking forward for more new songs from you,prettyboy .
moving on . we then grab a bite at LJS,like again at Cineleisure and then,slack before getting back to the place for another preformance by another group of friends . so,i did enjoy myself on that day . well,not many pictures was snapped as my camera's batt was low . soo,only 4 pictures we got! wasted uh,no videos from Arrowhead (Syah's band) is recorded . oh btw,its my first time seeing him really dressed upp smart! AND,he really look like KYLE PATRICK from THE CLICK FIVE . no kidding . only that,Kyle is fairer . haha! =p one word to describe him on that particular day,HOT! =) *grins wideeeeeeeeely*

The HOTSTUFF guy for the day .

He looks like KYLE PATRICK on that daaaaaay! kan kan kan? *melts*

i look thin while wearing this outfit actually (that's what people plus myself says) . but,it turns another way round in pictures! haha . well,he's the candle in my life .
Iqa's back after her 9 days spent at HTA,chasing her dream to become a C.I . and now,we're planning about tmr's hangout with SVC,as they really miss her alot . Reed,especially . haha . well,make things work and i can meet Is'syah tomorrow yaw! wah! 3 days of meeting him in just a week! power sia . haha . anyway,when i went to gombak just now,i saw ATIE and i was like,shouting her name and hugged her tight for like 3521465.56346 minutes? haha! i really miss her sia . not only her,all of my frineds i must say . especially,Zanna,Ifah and Mas . Calling for Zanna,Ifah and Mas! haha . PS: aku rindu korang giler giler sia! looking forward to meet u guys up! confirm biler jumpe,pelok lame2 sia . haha .
saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap? i ate hot chocolate waffle just now and it is super duper delicious i must say! hoho . good timing to eat hot waffle on cold rainy days . sooo,what should i give Wawan for his birthday? chocolates? i don't know . haha . i'll update more when many things happen! well,holidays are BORING though . mum's flying off to San Francisco this monday! oh myy .
labels: when can this come to an end? im afraid,split ups might happen . oh gosh! :-(