Fafilla says; Welcome back STOMACH FLU! =(
Current Mood: sick and nothing else .
This saturday: rugby . M.I . rugby . M.I . rubgy . M.I . lasalle . lasalle . lasalle . design . dance . yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! for like after 3 years? you kidding me? oh man,im NOT! yes,he is! after 3 years baby,after 3 years! oh,IMY! =(
Fafilla is AWAY for a moment,dude .
my computer breaks down and i don't know how come . shall be back once my computer is fine ,super fine . andand yeah,just leave me a msg thru myspace,friendster or here at my taggy! see you guys soon dudeeee! =)
Prettyboy,사랑 <3
i miss you alot though . no more of sleeping disorders,okay? lovelove prettyboy! =)
Loved Always;DILLA .

kan,aku da cakap da . Jaejoong HOT giler nak mampos nyer . andand,by starring at this pic,it WILL make me smile mcm the rock! && macam gini;
=) =) =) =) =)
okaaay da,that's all for now && guess what? ive not talked to anyone till now .
PS: she's buried when ive leant about it .
;For the real name of love .
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to daaaaaaaaaddy!!
Happy birthday to yoou!
lovelove daddy <333
Daddy turns 43 yesterday! && i bought him this chocolate cocoa cake with a layer of chocolate biscuit at the bottom of it (i didnt knew about it actually!) . it was SUPER NICE id say! too bad,prettyboy didnt getto taste them,although he's the one helped me to choose that lovely cake! so,how should i tell about yesterday's day of mine? lemme start from do . then,re . andand,followed by mi . haha,lame =P
school really suck yesterday! 4 periods of maths,feel like dying man! squeezing my brain juice to solve algebra problems and all . it rains heavily,super heavily! im late to meet prettyboy . so,yeah . rushed to westmall and meet fadhilah,to update my bank book and all . prettyboy msged and said;
"kalau you da nak naik mrt kat bukit batok,message me hor!"
i then reached bukit batok platform,was about to call him when i was SO SURPRISED that he is standing 1.68m tall infront of me! haha . i was like,i thought u wanna meet me upp at jurong? he them told me,he thought of doing me a surprise,by waiting for me at gombak platform . well,he did actually . he waited for like 35 minutes!?!?!?!?! *shock face* then,when i msged him to tell him that im going westmall first,he then took the train to bukit batok's . see,how sweet he can be at times,when he really misses me! from bugis,all the way till gombak mrt . thanks baby <3
moving on . we then headed to IMM to have our 'late fine lunch' together at SureBagus (Banquet imitations) . haha . we ate for like 1 hours plus just to finish my chicken chop and his wanton mee . haha . well,we talked eat talked eat talked eat and just that . (what the hell am i talking about?) haha . then,i told him about me bumping into fahmy early in the morning,on my way to school . planning about OUR DATE this saturday . oh no,nothing will go wrong this time round,i promise . pinch each other,tickle each other,messaging my hand! =) oh yesyesyes! he bite me yesterday lor =( at my shoulder,cause' i disturbed and irritate him soo many times at one go! painful seeeyy =( haha . so yeah,we then meet iqa (my elder sister,in case you dont know) to buy cake for daddy . proceed back home,with only holding hands and nothing else .
overall,thanks for the time,love . coming down all the way from your school at bugis,to jurong just to spent time with me . eat with me and accompany me,after not meeting each other for like 2 weeks exact! && yesyes,do sleep over at your dad's condo this friday night! it'll be easier for you to pick me up for our date,the next day! sounds a good idea! thanks fafilla for popping out the idea (aku la sape lagi) haha . and,i bet our date will turn out good! macam da guarantee gitu . haha . date,movies,fine dinner,prettyboy = perfect! =) lovelove prettyboy! 사랑

next stop . movies movies movies movies and just movies! oh yeay! soo many movies coming up now! im sosososososo don't know which one i should go for,FIRST . haha . maybe,the recent horror movie,'One Missed Call' . ororor,the latest korean movie,Le Grand Chef? haha . we shall see! butbutbutbut,im soooooooooo looking forward for 27 Dresses! you should see the trailer first before catching one! cause' its not even yet release in singapore's cinemas! =)it's on the 24th January,lame lagi sia!
the cutest time ive ever spent with ifah and usamah was going back home running in the heavy rain . haha . was an embarrassing one though when we walked pass Alif,with our uniforms all wet! andand,people are staring us for like,all the way . oh my oh my . but really,i find it cute when we hold each other's hand tightly,and cross the road! haha . cute youu la ifah and usamah! =)
labels: this saturday,it's gonna happen! trust me,baby .

They both got attached on the 01st of January 2008,Tuesday at 00:01am while the fireworks is on . how cutee . so,yes! aku dah ader abang ipar yang hothothot giler nak mampos! haha . last loooooooooong dudes =) PS:biler aku nyer turn? haha .
saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap . how's your new year eve been? mine's super great yaw! despite the drunken people,the mats and minahs,the jackass people all around,i still enjoy myself! the fireworks,the only time whereby i feel myself over the shinning moon . with him holding my hands tightly while watching the beautiful fireworks,holding my hands while we're walking,escaping from the bigbigbig crowd,hugged me while we're stuck in the middle of nowhere,rest on his shoulder while sitting and place his head on my lap while sitting down to get some rest . well,all i could describe it was;SWEET . never been like this . expressing your love,physically . well,i can see in your eyes that,you looked super sad when we're apart,getting rush into the last train . boy,im missing you right now! =(
(well,pictures will be upp soon!)

from computer to my hp,ive been starring at this pic for like 351456412545321354 times a day! coz,i just love the way he look in this pic,seriously .

labels: cause i feel comfortable when u place your arm around me waist .