
They both got attached on the 01st of January 2008,Tuesday at 00:01am while the fireworks is on . how cutee . so,yes! aku dah ader abang ipar yang hothothot giler nak mampos! haha . last loooooooooong dudes =) PS:biler aku nyer turn? haha .
saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap . how's your new year eve been? mine's super great yaw! despite the drunken people,the mats and minahs,the jackass people all around,i still enjoy myself! the fireworks,the only time whereby i feel myself over the shinning moon . with him holding my hands tightly while watching the beautiful fireworks,holding my hands while we're walking,escaping from the bigbigbig crowd,hugged me while we're stuck in the middle of nowhere,rest on his shoulder while sitting and place his head on my lap while sitting down to get some rest . well,all i could describe it was;SWEET . never been like this . expressing your love,physically . well,i can see in your eyes that,you looked super sad when we're apart,getting rush into the last train . boy,im missing you right now! =(
(well,pictures will be upp soon!)

from computer to my hp,ive been starring at this pic for like 351456412545321354 times a day! coz,i just love the way he look in this pic,seriously .

labels: cause i feel comfortable when u place your arm around me waist .