everyone inside the car keep on looking at us as we couldnt stop taking pictures!
my MOST FAVOURITE shot of Zanna's on that particular day! wohoo .

andand now,ladies & gentlemen,please take a look at my LEG and tell me something about it!
i then realise,my hair has become longer and longer! haha,RANDOM .

This thing is COOLSHIT i tell you . look at them and the background,then you'll understand!
There's sooo many more pictures taken but i managed to upload only these few . not that im lazy but,should ask the blogger due to some connection problems . well,that's what we did . went to Istana Park then Singapore Muzeum and become a tourists instead of asking poeple for donation . ohh nigga please,im sooooo lazy to do that! (know me) haha . so,what's so great about thses one week? only boyfriend knows cause im super lazy to tell from A to Z . well,i shall just say the stuff i need here . hoho . overall,danceworks 2008 open category was great! =)
moving on . i met boyfriend on monday (03rd march) over at Goodview Gardens,the usual . well,it's because we really am missing each other veryveryveryveryveryvery much,i swear! especially me! misses him soo much which lead me to crying (okay,dont you laugh) im for real okay! met up and yeah,the usual,i laughed like a lot when we met . then,i kept myself quiet and hug him tight . (that's what i really wanna do when meeting him actually) to hug him tight and yeah,i didnt realise that i actually CRIED on his arms . for missing him so much . *blush* i cried twice on his arms! && he dosent fail to entertain me with his magic tricks! overall,ive learnt a new super magic trick from him! *yeay*
yesterday . boyfriend planned to come down to my school to have lunch together with the reason of,he's going for his camp TODAY until TOMORROW supposingly . (well,actually he's lazy to go for the camp) haha . he came down to school after his soccer practise and to my VERY SURPRISE,he bought for my LONG JOHN SILVER!! omg,do you believe that? haha . i dont hor! it's been like 2 months since i last ate a proper meal from LJS,seriously! andand,i never expect him to buy them for me . how sweet . also,he waited for me with some of his friends outside the school until i end my npcc training . then,after sitting down the block for sometime,he sent me back home . see,my boyfriend is very sweet . haha .
so,what's great? i love my lovestory like,very much! && yeah,SENTOSA for this monday hor ifah,izuan,fikah,fique,yunie and faisal . andand hatim too of course! so,we shall plan about them real soon! prolly tomorrow . andand to Fikah bby,get well soon baby! =)
labels: let's make that surprise happened! =)