Before Andy Adrian was born on 23rd April 2008,i've been counting the number of days and keep on asking his mummy,when on earth he wanna come out of that womb? i was all excited you see! =D andand,been i've been sulking all the way towards boyfriend,complaining to him,Andy doesn't want to see his cute aunt here hor? hehe . and now,tadaaaaaaaaaaaaa! he's out and i've yet to visit him and hold him on my arms . LATER! yeaay! im meeting him later!
i've been planning something nice for _______ . (not for boyfriend,fyi) i purposely don't wanna type ______ name down as i'm afraid,boyfriend might read my entry and there goes my surprise for that someone! sorry b,it was meant to be a surprise although it's not for you! =D im naughty,i know . but i CAN'T say anything or reveal anything,afraid boyfriend might bodek me and then,the secrets out lor . MUST speak carefully next time and NOT to reveal anything lor! hehe . andand,one thing's for sure; you am gonna feel proud towards me after knowing them on next monday,seriously . just wait for that okay?
chemistry paper for tomorrow,after my english paper 1! *faints faints* i've been asking boyfriend for upteen times,can i skip school tomorrow and not take my chemistry paper and he said NOOOO for 3245456758 times! =S okay,i know im soo not gonna skip school but baby,i hate chemistry real lot and you know that don't you? oh man,i really have to do ALOT of chemistry revision as we all need science for O's qualifications! *faints again* Hatim-shii kun,pang wuooo =(
and,now . i wanna change my blogskins badly =( i've been browsing thru blogskins.com to find the nicest among the nicest ones but none of them looks attractive =S i shall keep on browsing and shall do something to my bloggy yeah! see you sooooooooooooon! and oh,i miss Hatim-shii terribly . terribly baby,terribly =( *insert a really really really sad face*
labels: make her likes you more and prove it to her,you're worth to be with her son =DD