And so sometimes you may think they're the best, and sometimes they just, ignore.
I was there for a short while, and in that short while, I wasn't with them anyway.
they just did it again,without me,again .
Things to do before 26th April 2008:
1. CUT MY BANGS! (my bangs grows super fast!)
2. get my long hair trim! (im gonna get it back straight in 3249443 months as im saving money for something else)
3. go for brow threading! by next WEDNESDAY! i dont care! stupid eyebrow! (it's been ages)
4. stop eating snacks so much now if not im gonna gain weight! (i know im skinny,lol)
5. make sure i grow no pimple(s) anywhere . stupid pimple =.=
6. plan something nice for the 26th birthday girl! ILY Fitri bby(:
7. plan with Hatim-shii what we should get her for her special day!
and YOU,it's just SO UNFAIR for me,seriously .
Thanks but it sucks! (big time)
after what Miss Ang had said during CME lesson just now,it's TRUE! absolutely .
Do you know why there's freaking lot of girls chasing after my boyfriend?
- SIMPLY because he got everything that a girl would ever need and I HAVE A GOOD TASTE IN CHOOSING A GOOD/HOT/SEXY/CUTE BOYFRIEND! ((:
labels: she pisses me off,seriously . fuck her and i cant help it! she's killing me although it has already been a few months . but still,i wait to cant meet her upp sooon! veryy sooon! thanks ehh and thanks for making me fucking jealous and so . i feel like hanging myself,can i? *roll eyes*