Everone's crazy about THECLICKFIVE coming over to Singapore,well im not THAT excited though as im not deeply in love with Kyle Patrick (although he's one of my top few boyfriends) =) and so,im still waiting for ARCTIC MONKEYS to come over here to have their concert . Alex,call me up when you're coming over here! im still waiting,patiently =)
Hatim-shii is over at esplanade's rooftop with PS and Alex is at NewYorkCity,i guess =(
both of them are not by my side when im sick . okay bedek,boyfriend was there but what i meant was,literally not by my side . he's busy with his jamming stuff,preparing for his band's gig next week,understandable lor . bodoh-punye-perot-entah-sakit-macam-ape-entah-aku-pon-tak-tahu,which make me failed to join boyfriend and his bandmates for jamming for the THRID time on saturday(s) =.= every single week,i repeat,every single week there must ALWAYS something goes wrong . if it's not for my bad+weak immune system,it has always been for family's planning . i just wish that i could hang myself like Marcus wanted in White Chicks .
in this life,both of them are basically the person(s) you ever need in this whole wide world as they are marked as one of the most important person in your life eversince you're born . at times,you just wished that,that sporting and understanding aunt of yours was your mom and at times,you just wished they would be the most supportive creature on earth living by your side,every moment . but no,it turns the other way round . what you wished for,never came true . they don't even understand you at all,not even abit . at times,you tried to tell them what's been on your very mind,what bothering you,what's literally killing you and stuff but the moment you see them reacting that way,you changed your mind . cause' it won't even help,instead they'll react like something you've never ever knew . sometimes,i wanted to voice this out to them or even share this thing to my boyfriend,but i just cant put them in words and sometimes,i myself don't know by doing all this,it'll do any good or not . im turning sixteen in few months time and i guess,im big enough to know what's the wrong and what is right . and well,i guess,all i gotta do now is to prove them wrong as im not like what they think i am and so do Hatim-shii((:
moving on . people around me have never stopped telling me what's with their boyfriend/girlfriend . what's been taking place and happening . or worst still,some even tell me the reason they broke off and stuff . it actually scares my balls off (okay,i got no balls) . what i meant was,whatever happened to them actually gave me a slight impact on handling a relationship and so . im in love,i owned a boyfriend and of course,i don't wanna lose him . everyone wants their relationship to last long,of course . but it needs a small tiny secret recipe for it to happen . boyfriend and i have been telling each other what we'll do to make our love stay strong and all . and,im glad he's the only one who understand,in fact really understand my needs . the ONLY guy who understand me in and out and i REALLY mean it . so,yes,friends may have broke up with their love ones but that dosent mean i have to be afraid the same thing might happen to me also as we both treasure each other and trust is the very most important thing . i'll never gonna hurt you/break your heart/betray you baby,that's a promise((: and i NEVER lie,you know me very well .
3 hours had passed but i've yet to received a message from you . don't tell me you're not even bothered to ask how am i feeling right now,don't you? sheesh . so,i've been behaving well this few weeks . been nice to everyone . been doing stupid-but-i-cant-help-it revision,surprising right? i know . and most importantly,i've realise that im not supposed to follow my heat of anger whenever my mood changed as i know,it will bring another problem to our relationship and it'll do us arguments . never want that to happened,NEVER . and another thing to note,i'll never make him stressed out anymore as i might even land him up in hospital . so Fafilla,behave well and be in your best behaviour whenever you're moody . control it and think what might happen if you were to get mad,just that(: im nice,baby((:
oh by the way,HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY TO SHASHA GORGEOUS and HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY to FAISAL,Yunis's boyfriend! they just had their birthday yesterday and may god bless the both of you! *sing birthday song in heart* hehe
labels: i wanna do something to my blog and hey,i've never loved someone like i love you,nigga((: i'll NEVER let the history to repeat itself,be it for you or me . LONG POST HUH FAFILLA? haha! =p and oh,THREE CHOCOLATE MUFFINS to Hatim-shii,Fliq and Lina each as a mark of me saying sorry for not turning up today . on monday,okay? pick me up from school on monday,boyfriend! =)