I'm super duper muper whatever-per bored right now . Hatim-shii is on his way for his jamming session down at Beats Merchants,Haji Lane (sumpah,aku tak pernah ikot . haha) . im not tagging along as it's weekdays and i have to stay at home and do my school works as Mid-year are coming right up next week,monday . (how time flies eh) PS are doing their usual routines,getting the covers ready and so do the originals . gig is in 3 days time! wohoooo =DDDDD
school's been really fine,i supposed . lessons are great,especially maths as we're recapping about probability . i swear im NOT sleepy when it comes to that topic . english lessons = FREE PERIOD! stupid teacher dowanna teach . makan gaji BUTE jer =.= gasak kau lah nak,asalkan kau bahagie sudaa . soooo,the picture above was snapped during english/chemistry lesson . i was super bored/sleepy/tired/restless,so i snapped them without anyone realising it . silly,i know . and again,me and Fad have been singing different kinds of sing eversince monday during lessons to kill boredness . be it Briteney Spears or even hindi songs . haha . laugh lor~ funny i know,yet CUTE . haha . and today,i've learnt how to speak JAPANESE! Azeana and Fad thought me to! haha . they went to do some research about speaking simple Japanese language . cute kan? haha
tomorrow is thursday . the day after tomorrow will be friday . friday is Come Back Kid's day . after then,it'll be PS's gig and Fitri bby's HOT 18th birthday! haha . cant wait cant wait!! you know i will always count the number of days left for saturdays (although sometimes i couldn't make it) . it's the only day where i getto spent my time in boyfriend's lovely arms from early afternoon till late night =DD this saturday,yeaaay! *grins widely* oh yeah,speaking of which,family actually planned about staying overnight over at East Coast Park this saturday as my dad is addicted back to fishing and it's been sometime since we last overnight at the beach . and so,i've not make up my mind either to join them or not after the gig or something . let's seee .
okay so,what's great? im hungry now,like AGAIN . huuuuuuuuungryy =( padahal tadi i've eaten bubur ayam sey . haha . i shall fix something simple to eat later on . well,i thought of doing milo ice-blended also but Hatim-shii didn't allow me as my inhaler almost finish and he's afraid if i might have asthma tonight (in fact,every night i have them!) and it's raining outside and it's a COLD weather also . LOL . so,i have to wait till tomorrow or something then! daddy-shii,i need a NEW inhaler,please? =D
labels: BYTHEWAY,ANDY ANDRIAN JUST BORN AROUND 30 MONUTES AGO! another nephew is born! omg,how excited can i be? SUPER EXCITED,i tell you! ive been waiting for days till he was born! going to the hospital soon,i guess? yeaaaaaaaaaassa kawan-kawan,saye da tue lor~ i wonder how he looks like! *wondering* CONFIRM chomel eyyy .