Another one more picture,i forgot to upload . the HOTEST among the rest i'd say! =D
What about mid-year exam? we've been taking our exam paper in the school gym and it was super stuffy and i seriously hate it . in fact,majority hate it . we'll definitely sweat and then,every single one will start fanning themselves and it will actually irritate the rest who is doing their paper . irritating giler nak mampos . english and malay paper 1 was fine . social studies and maths paper 1 really pain in the ass . but,thank god i somehow managed to answer them *relieved* but of course,i left out some of the questions too though .
i've been spending most of my time at home doing revision for the paper next day . day and night WITH breaks,rest and meals in between . i cant simply not do those revisions or else i'll make BIG BOSS angry and mad and there goes my HOTCAKES WITH SAUSAGE tomorrow and the rest of the days =( so,i'll listen to him and do it well and serious,so that i won't screw my mid-year like i did for my bloody common test . he's more and more stricter now towards me and that's the ONLY way for me to listen to him and all . i won't let Hatim-shii down and i shall make him proud instead,that's the promise baby =)
Latest Updates: 12 hours and 10 more minutes to;
you SERIOUSLY cant imagine how excited i am when boyfriend am gonna accompany me for breakfast tomorrow after my history paper as we end them at 0920hours,soo much earlier than the previous days! it's been 2 months since i last had breakfast together with boyfriend and eat that yummylicious delicious and whatever-CIOUS HOTCAKES WITH SAUSAGE! im all excitedz~ (with the z along) *grins widely*
and so,here's the equation!
labels: teenagers nowadays are so into sex and abortion . aku tak paham langsung!