Johor Baharu,Impian Emas =)
I just miss the people around me . especially the boyfriend,of course XD that should be extra LOT,i swear . so,when's the next time i'm meeting you hor? *cheeky smile* let's just wait for your tiny little surprise! =) very very very very soon,i swear . and i bet you'll gonna be shock like i don't know what . haha =P
i've typed aLOT of things for this post but it goes off just like that . stupid internet connections,i hate . and so,i've been having a stomach/gastric pain till now .
VERY.VERY,VERY,PAINFUL.PAIN.LIKE.I.DON'T.KNOW.WHAT.ALREADY! =( *insert a really really sad face* i wanna eat my lunch,late lunch right now . and if Hatim-shii gets to know about this,i'm totally dead *faints faints faints* and,i'm not skipping meals,don't you worry .
so,i'm getting skinnier and skinnier each day . skinnier than before (is it a good thing or a bad thing?) and i look so pale now and i don't think you guys wish to take a look at it . baby still love me banyak-banyak tak? =]
labels: i miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss yooooooooou lor =( *insert a really really really really sad smile* :-X no late night calls for 5 days already lor . i miss you alot,you got miss me not? im sick and you got pity me not? =DDDD