TODAY . i went to school with the some-kind-of the BALLET dancer look,thanks to the thin black hairband i've been wearing eversince morning =) or perhaps,an aerobics teacher? okay no,a P.E teacher? take your pick .

This is what we did during Physics lesson! i mean,half of the class brilliantly skipped classes after the break and get out of the school,how funny . and so,i'm only left with myself,Yani,Yunis and Samad which includes some of the chinese classmates. and the rest are gone . this HELP programme really suck . we can get out of the class anytime we want,come to school whatever time we wish and so forth . sucha genius . make the hair stay that way,Fafilla . it looks soo neat although at one glance,it seems kinda weird! =P
Kampong Glam Trip (like,finally!)

The people,the crazy people .
The lovely one,Yunis .
semue step concentrate jer .
bibir maintain hor Fafilla =P
Miss Tan,the CUTEST teacher in school that you can find!
tak perlu ehh Yani,tak perlu =P
Focus on Ifah's eyes . nak tidor,balik rumah hor!
Dark clouds = gonna rain soooooon!
thanks alot to Fathin,for baking cupcakes for me w/o any reason! =)
The wonderful one,Yani =)
nothing goes without the trademark .
yooooooooooooooooooooou! Fitri bby's favourite pose,i know!
ACT cute ONLY lah .
i wish i was a gangster .
smell smell hair hair .
andand,give me some of that!
Azeana,Fad,Dilla,Yani and Yunis =)

Fafilla,Fliq and Yunis =)
Fafilla,Fliq and Yunis =)
look at Fliq's center parting hair! how much cuter can it be? haha =PP
After like forever,now then i managed to upload them all && i don't know wassup with my LIPS . hahaha =P 3 days straight of updating the blog . im just bored,plain bored . and so,great thanks to Ifah and Fad for snapping a total number of 148 pictures in my samsung camera during the lovely trip . especially Fad,who's at the back seat with us,tolerating our nonsense in snapping silly and stupid pictures,yet you're the BEST =)
Thanks . was supposed to meet Hatim-shii but he ended up with the stomach cramps again . nevermind,i shall see you in 2 days time! friday night loorr =( 6 days of meeting is long enough,thanks alot =( get well soon my Shinshine Baby! =) heavy pouring rains,warm body,terrible cough and asthma,body's aching and super bad headache . how much more have i gotto endure? oh shit,i seriously don't wanna go for tomorrow's NPCC Passing Out Parade! but,i'm left with no choice just to get that bloody certificate . i mean,i have to do ALOT more things you see . the uniforms,the boots and all other stuffs . stand under the hot sun tomorrow? NO,thanks .
c'mon,i wanna force myself to sleep but i CAN'T . and,i don't know why . im tired and i wanna get some shut of eye,but i just can't . zomg,crazy . and so,everyone planned to come to school late for tomorrow's lesson but not to me . prolly,i'll be slightly late like i am yesterday and this morning . well,we still have aLOT of time,if you wanna eat Roti Prata first at ALIF? plenty of time we got . hahahaha . anyways,i miss Fikah . where are you the whole day bby? i didn't see you at all! =( but the great thing is,i've got a BIGBIGBIG hug from Lina bby lor! i miss you real alot okay! =DD and to mummy and daddy,i swear i miss our house at Impian Emas . can we like go and spend our time there this weekend? a BIG please? i miss all of my cousins terribly,already lor! *insert a really really sad face*
labels: i was looking forward for today,everything just went so wrong =(