But if your picture is not there,you still means something to me in every single way.
Mimz,main lagu INCINERATE okay! Then we can mosh together although that Beats Merchant is fucking small lah. I'll be there FIRST and gimme the fucking mike during that fucking part! I love that song pasal i memorised the lyrics by hard already! HAHA,i love you girl :) And dudes,i lost my fucking weight lah,that's AWESOME SHIT =D The hips,the waist,the thigh,the biceps and everything that matters,whatever,i'm skinnier now.
I can't wait for friday,i'm going to ZOO with Lee Tok Kong after then,we'll be having the AWESOME Ben and Jerry's waffle! (macam da confirm gitu makan B&J,haha) Then,on saturday,my cousin is getting engage and i'm wondering when in the world is MY TURN?! HAHAHA. And on sunday,i'm meeting the lovelies! Izzat,Nurie,Bob,Kaisha,Jill and Fitri too maybe. I wanna meet the whole world lah if possible! I wanna meet Issyah too lah gendeng. Awesome kan? I KNOW. I miss literally everyone :( Then,on 21st going for another hardcore gig at Beats,damn gerek lah. Yalah yalah gerek,but i got no more money lah. Must ask Adie sponsor for me already. HAHA. && I wanna marry T.I then he'll give me whatever i like! The blog song,lagi satu punye AWESOME. Go listen lah,it's fucking nice. I was so mad last night cause i don't have them on my phone and everytime when i wanna listen to that song,i have to go on youtube,geram betol. HAHAHA bodoh betol aku nie.
In anyways,MUMMY-SHII texted me in the morning today! She was damn worried about my health lah,but i told her i was all fineeee! =DD Told you she love me so! She's glad that i'm fine and is all excited cause i CAN STILL cook for her another nice dish the next time round! She's Hatim's mummy by the way ;) Love you mummy-shii =DDDD Nabeelah,Mayamin,Reezan,Sally,Nunu and Fliq can i meet you guys too this sunday? :( Especially Mayamin,we've not met for 3 whole YEARS! It's damn long lah :( ROOOAARR,rindu awak banyak-banyak. As for Timmy,don't need lah. I've already met you last monday,hahaha. And,i wanna catch some rest AGAIN,for the gazillion-th times now! Hey,I'M FINE!
Labels: plastics, whatever you like by T.I