Gig at Beats Merchant,last saturday.
&& from here onwards,you can see how crazy & hyper the crowd was
The only thing i can describe bout myself right now,is my THROAT. It just feels like as if there's some popcorn stuck inside and is in need to get out from that bloody throat. Yes,it's damn irritating lah. Cough like again and again. I had enough. Even the cough syrup is NOT doing any good. My inhalers? Oh tell me about it. It's decreasing every now and then. After then,there's no more inhalers,and it's time to die already. I gotta purchase one very soon. Haiyah,susah betol lah kalau ade asthma. It's been a week that i've not been feeling well. Oh my oh my,when in the world will it be gone? Ohmygeeeeeeez.
And she went; And when you're away,i count the steps that you take.
Labels: im still sick lah nabei