What annoys me the most is when i shivers all the time with no reason. Especially when i'm holding a cup to drink. It's annoying,really. Hai,i've not been well lately. I don't know where in the world this sickness come from plus,i dont know when in the world i can fully recover and get myself to school without feeling weak and sick. 3days MC is really boring but i can actually use some of the time helping my mum out to unpack everything out from the box. Stomach's not been feeling that good. I feel that i can faint at any point of time. Apelah dosa aku sampai aku sakit terok macam nie )):
And to iikaa,im so sorry for cancelling our plan without even infroming you about it. Kinda feel bad. Y'know,i promise i'll make it up to you. Miss you girl.
Labels: totally not good
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 @19:03 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Labels: officially moved tonight
"" was Posted On: Friday, July 24, 2009 @16:52 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Labels: tapi siapa nak temankan?
"" was Posted On: Saturday, July 18, 2009 @21:14 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Days been so packed than ever since we've started moving house. The tiredness is a never before feeling. So tired everyday that all i wanna do is to skip school and use the whole of my time in the world to just sleep. But,i wish. I still havta go thru the same routine everyday,every week from now on despite the fact that i'm sitting for a major exam this year and despite the fact that my exams are just around the corner. Kesian eh! Oh well,we wanted a new bigger house,so i havta make a little sacrifice though. But hey,i'm still not satisfied wiith my weekend schedule. We havta transfer the remaining things to our new house or finish up with the paintings or whatever. There's just alot of things to do than what i realised. And that means,no going/hanging out for me till 18th August,which is the last saturday before fasting month. Woooooh,thats gonna be more like,a month from now? Every week,it's either gonna be the same old routine or,new family plans.
In this life,there's only ONE thing that i wanna know,
Why do people cheat even on someone they really love so much?
Labels: people who have the heart to do something mean
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 @18:42 | 0 lovely comments ✿
HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY ADIEEEEEEE! Wahahahaha,sudah betul-betul tuaa,lol! Wish you longetivity & prosperity. May you lead a beautiful life ahead and may you have a great birthday celebration with the rest yeaaaah! Bersiap sedialah anda untuk masuk NS! HAHAHA xD And Ira,sorry curi gambar ini heh! :D
Well,let's just say a BIG hello to our new house today! XD
Labels: new house
"" was Posted On: Friday, July 10, 2009 @15:50 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Last saturday,we celebrated Sasa's advanced and Zamy's belated 19th birthday. Plus,Sofie's as well at Scape,outside the indoor lab. I was already late to meet up with Iika & Iraa. But as soon as i reached,i went about at Cineleisure to find if there's any cake shop available. But unfortunately,NO. So,i met up with the two girls to collect Sasa's HUGEEE birthday cake over at Ira's house in Punggol. Afterwhich,we trained back to Somerset and i parted with them for a short while to buy the cake at Centrepoint and to meet Reg as well. It was my lucky day i guess,that i managed to purchase one beautiful cake which actually the last piece :D Reg then was freaking late and as soon as we exchange hugs,we quickly get our ass at Scape back again.
Ira was soooo cool to get this cake online. She's a really sweet girlfriend,no doubt about that! And now,some people thought there's gonna be one cake only,which is for Sasa. But heh,actually,there's one more that hmmm,kinda surprised some of the people including Zamy,i supposed. HEH XD

Told you,they were soo cute together! :D
One mission down. But,i've got another mission to go. And this really makes me extremely nervous and shivers,hardcore. I'm a really shy girl,i don't even know how to approach him to give the present i've been preparing since,January(?) Lama eh! So,without me realising,Ajie and Irwan actually helped in a way to have this thing done for me. They shouted for his name and i've left with no choice but to hand them over to him. Told you,i was shy! SURPRISE SURPRISE! XD

And,that was the Chopard watch i've been talking about for months!

Annnnnnd,he's holding it and taknak kasi orang lain tengok anymore. Heh,tak lah main2 je lor. So,basically,i'm like sooo relieved everything's over now and i shall worry no more for any presents that i've yet to buy and surprises that i've yet to prepare. Thanks Zamy for being the first person to REALLY appreciate everything i've done/prepare and it was enough to touched me actually. And now,thanks to everyone who came down for the celebration and thanks Ira for allowing me to carry on with the plan although we have another celebration going on. And to Zamy,from the bottom of my heart,i really hope you'll love it although it's just a simple one((:
Let's get back on track for today's schedule. I had another dentist appointment for my tooth extraction. It was the back tooth though. And swear,the pain is hell. I had my ass on that dentist chair for only 40 minutes,and i don't know what in the world they're doing and the injection they gave. It was a terrible one,though. The doctor had to pull it so hard to let it out. Obviously,i'm in alot of pain and cried. So kental! And,the funny part was,i couldn't even talk. HAHAHA,macam orang bisu pulak. I had to change the wool every freaking 30 minutes and i havta thank Mus for waking me up every hour. Although my mouth,tongue and lips isn't numb anymore,the pain is still there and worst still,i'm already down with 38 degrees fever.
Malay O'levels tomorrow and i HOPE,i can cope with everything and recover by tonight so it's easier for me to concentrate. On another sad note,i've not eaten for the whole freaking day,and i'm kinda hungry and thirsty. I can only do that 6 hours after the treatment which is later,at 9pm. Haiyah,susahnya hidup :( And to top it all,THANK YOU IRA for the awesome pictures! Love you baby :D
Labels: fever before major exams
"" was Posted On: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 @19:32 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Breathe in,breathe out.
Thank god everything went on smoothly although there were some delay and jams in between. And to YOU,hope you love it :D
Labels: second surprise
"" was Posted On: Saturday, July 04, 2009 @22:29 | 0 lovely comments ✿
Wish you guys longetivity & prosperity. May you guys lead a beautiful life ahead,and hopefully both of you had a blissful birthday celebration yesterday with the rest! :D Sorry i stole korang punya pictures,jangan marah lah yer! XD
So,everything was cancelled,my plan i mean. Instead,i had an appointment with the school mobile dentist. I need my gap to be close,and so it did. The male doctor was soo cool that i could barely feel the pain! Yeah,he did inject my gum,to make it numb before giving me the root canal treatment. Now then i realised,my teeth is damn terrible. HOHO,i'm wearing braces sooon! ;) And so after 2 hours of treatment,i went home with swollen gums,and starting to feel kinda feverish,lol. You know how suck i am when it comes to teeth,i could even get high fever,zomg. Afterwhich,i had to rush back home to accompany my mum to buy our new lightings,sink,and etc for our new home at Ikea. And then,daddy fetched us and picked that sister up and hoho,back homeeeeeeeeeeeee. Woooh,penat. And i'm kinda sleepy right now,gotta get some rest! Maybe not,or maybe yes.
Labels: it aint over yet
"" was Posted On: Wednesday, July 01, 2009 @15:31 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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