Happy 16th birthday babygirl! This is the 3rd time i'm gonna say but oh well,i wish you love-live and prosperity! May all your wish and dreams some true! And hopefully,you'll get fantastic results for you N'Levels this year! Last long with MR Action Berg! :D I love you,very much! We shall hangout soon,again! lovelove! <333
Okay so,we had a little advanced birthday celebration for the birthday girl. I bussed down to BB interchange to collect the birthday cake from Pichet (idk who in the world he is) HEH. Afterwhich,i trained all the way to City Hall. Time checked,5.38 pm. I thought i was gonna be late but nah,i don't think i am. So,thought of joining Mus and the geng for the break-fast @ Raffles but since i'm holding onto the cake,i'll just stick to the plan,which is to meet Reg and have a meal together. Right,i waited for her for like,an hour and a half? Yes,and thank god i brought my novel along to keep me company. Who in the world wanna wait for someone that long? ONLY ME okay! That's cause i love you hor,Reg! :D
Only Mus know how freaking hungry i was although i can't fast on that day. Gastrics,ache whatever. I almost cried! But oh well,i still waited for Reg although Subway's is just behind my back. Met her at 730 and went to purchase the orgasmic cookies and we sat at a bench near mirrors (?) with her Khalid. Ultimately,Nosey and Rara was there as well. Then came few of them. iby bit,more and more of them started to show up. Cut long story short,the surprise was fantastic and was a success xD But the night doesn't stops there! We had a new company to check on us. Yes,the police force.
They ruined our night,yes they do. But,that's their job though. They took almost an hour instead when they said,it's just gonna take a couple of minutes =.= Afterwhich,we're dismissed and everyone disperse for Baybeats. And,nothing's new,nothing's great. New bands,boring musics. Mendak,and just fill the blanks in. Had a little chat with the people around and i bid goodbye. So,that was my Friday. As for yesterday and today,it's my staying at home day. Houseworks is never-ending. I can be a housekeeper,one day if you want me to.
No,it's not funny at all. Well maybe it does,a little. Ah fuck. Well,i was kinda panicked though when i couldnt do anything about it,not even to switch it on. Little did i know it's gonna be that bad. Well it is,after soaking it inside the toilet bowl for,10 seconds? HAH! Ah yes,after i flushed the toilet bowl,then it slipped inside. My skirt's pocket was kinda big that's why. AND,there wasnt any urine whatevershits. I was told by a couple of friends that i should dry it using the hairdryer for quite sometime and let the water inside evaporate. I don't know whatthafuck they are talking about when it comes to science shits and as soon as i reached home,i try to find my old hairdyer and i did as what they told me so.
Thank Lord,i was patience enough and was smart enough to try to switch it on although theres still some water on the screen. And to my surprise,it's freaking ON! Yes mafakas,it's on! Nyahahaha xD i couldnt get more excited and happy. The screen was perfectly fine for the touch-screen and theres isnt any blurr whatevershit and hell yes,so as the keypad. Well,changing of phones is the most troublesome thing to do in the world. Not when theres alot of things stored inside. Now,i can stop worrying and remind myself not to bring handphones to the cubicle ANYMORE! Bahahaha ;)
Labels: handphone swim dalam jamban

HOTNYA! Nak sikit boleh tak,please? :( EH BATAL PUASA!
See no evil,talk no evil,speak no evil,touch no evil,kick no evil,lick no evil and WATCH NO EVIL! HAHAHA,i don't know ___ no evils they have actually on this Ramadhan month,tapi aku hentam je. And gotta watch no evil dilla,no more aku-boring-mendak-uh-tengok-porn-lagi-best punya time! Alah,one month je and like as if after buka cannot watch! :D Kay taaaak,was just joking,really. Anyway! It's only the FIRST day of bulan puasa,and korang jangan nak step SALAM LEBARAN lagi eh,aku rembat korang kang! Puasa baru first day dah nak raya. Nyahahaha xD
Kepasa semua umat islam di seluruh negara,marilah sama2 kita beribadah dan menjalani bulan puasa ini dengan penuh kesabaran dan keimanan. Kawal lah nafsu anda dan puasalah kamu wahai insan yang lemah,sebelum kamu dipuasakan. Jangan sesekali mencuri makanan/minumam,sesungguhnya ada mata yang sering memerhatikan kita. Bertaubat kawan-kawan. Pagi-pagi jangan nak bukak periuk pulak! BAHAHAHAHA,merepek bodoh kau Dilla.
Labels: sean faris

As for last year,i've just been couting till this day come as it marks the most memorable and amazing day in my whole entire life. Little did i know,it's just gonna end there. And from this year onwards,its just another piece of day where i have to swallow every memory i once built on this day.
I thought of sharing last saturday's photos but blogger is being a bitch again,sigh. My family and i had a massive shopping over at the Singapore Expo last saturday. Theres alot of nice things going on there and it's worth paying a visit. Afterwhich,i went off to meet Mimz & Reg as we've not met each other for quite sometime. And so,we walked from city hall all to way to Plaza Singapura thru Fort Canning. We're smart enough to walk there during the dusk hours'. HAHAHA. Well,after purchasing the orgasmic subway cookies,we went to Heereen to meet Zamy to get the Chopard watch. I swear he's cute. Eh no i mean,the watch yeah,the inner surface of the watch cracked and yeah,havta collect them from him to checkout the cost of the repair. Well,the damage isnt THAT bad. Ultimately,we heard some bands going on around Cineleisure so,we went to check it out. Cut long story short,we too had a mini birthday celebration for Reg over there. And girl,i hope you like it! :D
Anyway! The release of O'levels Mother Tongue results tomorrow @ 2pm! To everyone who's getting it,best of luckk alright! And,i have no idea how i did for my papers. Guess,i gotta wait till tomorrow comes! :D
Labels: nothing beats this feeling
YEZZZEEER! Finally blogger is being really kind. Well maybe it's because i'm using desktop instead of laptop. Alright,we'll just proceed on with the pictures. To whoever that concerns,just click on the picture to copy paste it. I'm soooo lazy to send via hotmail as it's freaking SLOW,geez. And oh,i REALLY dont bother framing/editing it. So,have a good time looking! xD

test shot number TWO
warming upppppppp
Apek Ang di belakang suka interframe!
Mr Bambang Purnama Putra Shakni,hahaha
alamak,siape nieeee? HAHA,Faiz

ahhhhh,ni dah memang jodoh! number TWENTY lah kay!

Woohooo,now then i realised most of the pictures is of me and Ifah! :D Okay,prolly up next is the overnight pictures @ East Coast. Wait till i'm not lazy then you'll getto see them okay. And hopefully,we'll get our results soon as it kept postponing again and again. I can't wait any longeeeeeeeer lah! OH,anyway!
Labels: gonna miss those days man
Besides that,sec 4 and 5 Hilly students had their outing to West Coast to celebrate Singapore 44th. Our class was all crazy and hyper-active on that day. Everyone wore different kind of white and red shirts to add on to the atmosphere. As usual,it means nothing when theres no camera around. We took over 100 crazy yet beautiful pictures. I swear it was hillarious. But hey,we DID had alot of fun although it's just a few people who was photoghenic and agree to take crazy shots with me. While the rest played game balls with the 2 teachers. And so,i hope,this blogger is well in the nearest time lah eh.
Okay so,there's only one thing that has been playing on my mind. Which is,the O'Levels Mother Tongue results and Hilly's O'Levels Prelim Examintaion is just tomorrow. Eh wait,the result is in 2 days time. It's really making me nervous. Especially the Prelims caz,if we're going to get high points for this shit,say bye-bye to our free time. We'll be forced to stay back every single day after school to study again and agian until our o'levels is over. Tell me,siapa mau pergi layan sey! =.= And as for the results,hopefully i'm gonna see an A. If not,i'm sooooooooooooo gonna re-take it.
Labels: examintaions again