Friday night,i was greeted by Aris about him wanting to ask me out at the very last minute for dinner over at Simpang on saturday night. Yeah,i was abit surprised caz he seldom ask me out. Since i'm attending the gig the next day with Elfac and Shahfiq,i decided to think about it again so i could sort out my time equally for everyone. And so,i agreed eventhough i'm gonna sacrifice by not catching my Boneyards by Frameworks for the last time. Nevermind,going out with the boy is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than meeting anyone and everything else! <:
And so,we're a little late for the gig,but that doesn't stop us from having some fun. I enjoyed it,a little bit. It was full-house so the crowd was energetic. ERIS was the shit,i've never get bored listening to their songs. Come 8pm,time to meet the boy at the corner of the street and we're off to Simpang. It was great as it wasn't as pack as i thought it could be. The food was marvelous,i'd love to visit them more often now i've learnt that it's not that far from my school. Everything was fantastic,i couldn't ask for more!
Then it was about time to heed back home. He was kind enough to send me down my block. NICE INDEED. I was yawning like an asshole,you have no idea. But hahaha,as much as i yawned,it can never beat to how much i laughed. He's damn funny and all i wanna do at that time was to squeeze him so he know that he suck big time. But yeah,he never failed to make my day,yes? What kind of ability do you have,i've been wondering! But i had a good day & night. Thanks for that! ;)
Labels: outing #4