tadaaa . okok . im in no mood do dose stuff . &&okok . no more delay,,i will update bout my past daes . lets Falshhbackk!
Fridae .
i have my Sec 1 Orientation Traffic Duty Npcc soo,stepp out home at 6 sharp,,den mit Zanna upp &&bought our breakfast at McD Gombak . okok,,it was raining in da morning soo,i came upp wit an idea to wear our sch skirt &&wear slippers&jacket . eheeheee . clever rite me . ahaa . shuddupp! dendenden,we're da Verrie Ferst person to reach da sch . it is sooo dark &&we went to da canteen larh to open dose lights &&we saw soo many Lizarads &&it is soo disguisting to da core!! eeewww . &&i swear if Mas is dere,shes gonna freak outt like hell! ahaaa . diamm uh . blablabla,we did our duty &&i saw Hidayu swaying her booty with her stupid kinda mini skirt & sleeveless! ahaa . soo many fats dowan dere n still wanna wear lyke dat siaa . ehee . baskett . sososo,done with it! &&shits . i didnt get to watch my Drama . aiyoyo .
done wit it & we[Zanna,me&Lina] went to WestMall . soo,borrow n return backk books blablabala . &&we went to BurgerKing to eat . okok . but i didnt coz after dat im going outt . soo,i share2 only mahh . ehee . after all dat,me & Zanna walk home . ahaa . bcoz my ez-link left 20 cent u noe . sanggup save arh . sengket btl! ehee . reach home eat NasiAyam . ahaa . verrie nice . dendenden quickly dress upp momma's waiting n we proceed to Xpo n it is soo damn boringg! really . i thought wat only . ahaa . den we go SuntecCity to watch the S'pore Garden Festival . &&it is soo damn beautiful!!! ehee . before dat plann larh want go TampinessMall larh,Bugis larh,VivoCity larh e2 larh ini larh . ahaaa . aiyoyo . &&at nite we went to AirPasang to eat!!!!
PsPs:tk nampa pon Bpk Aidil . ahaa . ingatkn 24 hrs pat saner . no offence larh PakHaji!!!!! [Zanna&Ifah,u noe i noe!]
Saturdae .
da usual,MakSiti brought us to Ikea & den go VivoCity!! ahaa . quite bestt larh . u noe larh lau MakTi yang ajak mesti power nyer . ehee confident cakap akuu . ehee . den go inside the Giant larh buy sumthings , &&i didnt saw him leyy . i tink he;s not werking . hmmm .... maner larh syg akuu sorg nie . dendenden,we bought sum Chocolates!!! eheeehee . sdapp!!! Jealous? tu lu punya pasal larh!!!
Sundae .
ape lagi Swimming larh! ahaaa . at ChoaChuKang . &&okok jelalala larh . coz it is not as Big as at Jurong mahh . ahaa . sososo,we enjoy urself && a lil bit dark olready . &&a bit only leyy! ahaa . &&after dat,we went to Lot 1 to eat . & den,go home uh siaa .
Mondae .
Its Chrismas baybe! ehee . soo stay at home only,watch Enot3 . ehee . fav uh siaa . okok . dendenden,wait fer his call again &&i msg JayJ olready horr . tell him larh ask Fahmy msg me alarh biase larh da TopUpp mah . but topupp olready donnoe who to msg . Lau Fahmyy bknnyer die nk topupp apelarh u niee . bluekkk!! might as well,use dat money to catch a movie . rite?? ya lorr . tp tkper,on da 28th kakak got her $150 soo,hoppey hope im gonna get backk my money & watch NiteAtTheMuseum with Fahmyyyy!!! woohooh . ok shuddupp! wanna uppdate pics lol!
kakak being da camera gerl &&momma pls smile,aiyoyo
&&dats the 4 of usss .....
&&i love dis Kodret of mine!!!!
&&kakak,u do look fat horr . no offence! *smile*
Sisters .
it supposed to have da temple view but kakak slh amek . aiyoyo!
welcum to da world of Floraaa ...!!!
dis picture look horrible but .. i lovee flowers!!!
another horrible picture of mine . weeee ....
wouldn't it b great if im surrounded by flowers?
buai laju-laju . woitt,asl tk gerak nie?
da water is sooo colddd ... wush wush .
me&bpk Chrismas . ahaa . SantaSanta .
me&AyahPin after eating our fav LongJohnSilver . cute uh us . ehee . testing je .
okok . soo basically,tml i got my NCO NPCC extra training . xtra only uh . i want relax also cannot . && i tink tml i got no frens larh . Zanna go backk kampong,Ajeek donnoe la,she doqan cum . Lina,lazy to go && Lijah cum late . alahaiiii . most probably,im with da guys only . tk shiokk larh cm nie . hmmphf! && tml's training is from 10am to 5pm . but ... im falling inn at 12 . wanna watch my drama ferst! dowanna miss it again! huhu~ && walk lenggang-lenggok larh alonee . ya lorr dat Wang says "i dont mind u ppl cumming late . so long as u all didnt absent urself" ..
soo,if she sae lyke dat olready,ape lagi,ambillah kesempatan itu horr . ahaaa . DILLA DILLA . baskett! && my Kodret gonna go backk home at JB todae! bubbye Kodret! gonna miss yar! &&i just hoppe he's gonna send me,have my lunch together wit him && he's gonna fetch me backk home . coz ... i've not listen to ur vioce fer 4 daes my dear . &&His fren told me his sickk now . &&wen JayJ ask him msg me he's stubborn n i donnoe y . hmmmmmm .... get well soon LOVE!!
&&unless u gonna call me upp,im not gonna change my song . deep inside me,im not okeyy .
*for no reason,i found myself smiling the moment im with u coz i've never loved sumone lyke I LOVE YOU . ur moments,our Love . i Miss u*