Tommorrow's plan .
u noe wat? dis lil' cousin of mine came to S'pore juz wanna go to da Swimming Pool!!!! ahaa . ya lorr . at JB da pool is at da forest,summore smelly,unhygienic,blablabla . ooppsss! sorie JB ppl . ahaa . but im stating da factt! coz i've gone dere before! lolyyysss . n yea . tml,me& all of my other Belovedd cousins is going to Jurong swimming Pool . woohoo .4 years of not going dere . can u believe it? boo booo~~
ahks . n wells,sumthings actually make me go hulalalablablabla . dun laugh okeyy? i actually veriee excited of going dere butttt ..... i dont have a swimming coustume!!! booohhhhh!!!!!! baskett . butt!!! it dosent ends here! Lijah actually gonna lend me hers! blueekksss ... huhu~
sososososo ... im waiting fer his call again . coz he's actually visiting his fren's grandma . yea,da grandma tgh NAZAK .. soo,quite sad larh . talk about dat,it reminds me of my late Uncle&Grandpa . really sad if i were to recall da pastt . soo,i tink i shud stopp here . n to Fahmy's Fren,do pray fer da grandma,muchh muchh pray . n hope,it dosent end dere . AMEN .
soo,i'll uppdate tml nite if im not tired . ya lorr . in da morning must go reach dere siaa . woohooo . ya lor,must CHOPP da place if not,chialatt! many ppl olready . im not KIASU but its my aunts plann . woohoo! ba backk at nite . wow . gotta enjoy myself at da pool &&dun worrie,im not gonna drown myself! love u peeps . takin carees;
sumone actually told me dat i look cutee in dis pic . im flattered . thankie euu! =)

tanx horr da Mr. Cute &&Adoreable! woohooss ... cannot tell whoo . boo~
bye! im gonna eat my CHOCOLATESSS... jealous? bluekkss!
coz if u tink u're great enuff wit ur shit,heck care &&fer all u tink i care . dun spam,me here&dere if u tink u're juz great wif u shitiess! fark off larh . u wanna talk about me? flaunt it,i don care . n remeber,u not great enuff to me if u wanna talk about me . get it rite Faggot!