a week of me didnt update my bloggy really got soo many complains from ppl around me . haha . i tot noone actually read my entries . gah! okok . i've been BZ fer all dis while . preparing fer my DanceWerk 2007 dat will be here any sooner . on da 25th Feb sia . haha . && if u wanna watch me shake my BOOTY,do cum down eder yar! huhu~ . kidding . niwae,PrettyBoy's goona send me in da morning to Marina Square! hahahahaha . yyyyeeeahhhhhhhneeesss . =))))))) happie lorr . he send me den i got Semangat olready larh to dancee . weehee . && yeahh,so far so good,da dance is all ready,only dat we gotto buck upp n have da energy dere wen dancing! =))
me & PrettyBoy . aha . all ok . we are ok . goody goood! i like . haha . nolarh,yeahh . only got a lil' bit misunderstanding da last 2 daes n yeaterdae! &&its all over now . weee~~~ =)) && yeah,ahmad wolf2 if u're reading dis,im sorrie didnt kol u backk yesterdae nite coz im actually having a lil quarrel with PrettyBoy n sum things happens soo,yeahh . understooding larh bro,ok? anything kalau marah,kite blanje mkn LongJohn my fav . confirm awk ok nyerr . haha! tp awk bayar la ok? gah!
PS:fer now im a lil bit kinda BZ . mondae cum home early den on tues got DancePrac so do as on Thurs & Fridae! && wednesdae got NPCC . booo~~ siao ting tong . mati akuu . pnatttt siaa . hahah~ soo,once my DanceWerk is over,dats it . i will blogg inn as always,slalu2 yar! tp,wait long2 larhh . gugugaga . =)))

PSPS: DanceWerk Competition;Marina Square
25th February[Sundae],
12.30 to 5.30 .
do cum down to support yarrr!!!! =))
aku tau muke aku burok,diamm uh . hehe =)
&& i LOVE PrettyBoy more & more eachh dae now .