my dae was good . simply good! yeahh . && with PrettyBoy sending me backk home from sch . yeahh . superb! wells,wat can i sae . i Love PrettyBoy . && todaes blogging gonna b dat kinda ok jelalala cozzzz . i wanna tell u guys sunthing really3 irkss me . itz really stupiddbloddykindaarsehole . got it? goddamit sia dat gerl .
after meeting PrettyBoy fer a while after recess kn,Suriani cum to me uh den she told me she wanna tell me sumthing . oh sumthing! yeahh,dat sumthing . gosh! i was lyke oh ya! babe wait a minute i wanna talk to him ferst yar! den ... da conversation start . oh yar ermm,y not i wrote da thingy she talk about me with Suriani .
Da Dialogue Begins~
Liana: hows Adilla in class now?
Suriani: yeah wells shes ok .
Liana: oh really? soo,is she as noisy as always?
Suriani: yeah quite coz shes easy-goin yeahh .
Liana: ya larh,now attached olready mah .
Liana: i keep on wondering,there's soo many pretty gerls but y did Fahmy choose Adilla as his Stead sey?
Suriani: alahh,up to him la,he wanna choose who .
Liana: no but,i feel kinda weird . im soo lady-light here & much more prettier than Adilla but y sey he choose her? Adilla is soo lyke not lady-light,shes not dat pretty,she plays rugby,wear DC shoe to sch . hang around with guys . not lady-light at all . i still wonder y must Fahmy choose her INSTEAD OF ME .
Suriani: anywaes Fahmy & Adilla fer sumtym olready . soo,let them be .
soo,wats all dat means? LIANA LIKE Fahmy lorr .
soo,i feel lyke crying & laugh at da same tym . yeah u noe . gahhh! siallah many ppl sia lyke him . haizzz . && wells,came to class da thingy was passed arnd by me & Suriani . && i asked Shidah,Ifah,Yunis they all . Upon hearing dis thing,wat u guys feel? They sae they feel DISGUISTED!
Soo,basically Liana,if u tink u're dat good enuff . dat PRETTY enuff & dat Lady-Light enuff . go ahead take him larh if u dere . if u tink ur soo great,y not play LOVE game with me? u wanna? im on with it sia . anytym & anywhere . im not joking horr . serious talk okeyy! soo,juz talk about me go ahead . but if u're off my limits lemme tell u im not gonna let u off . get urself over my head uh . den see wats gonna happen to u . & pleasee,i can tolerate ur nonsense but not ur childishness okeyy! u are,damn siao ting tong u noe! GodDammit! && Liana,if u are reading dis,lemme tell u one thing . I Really Hate YOU To Da Core i tell u . && i can sae dat straight to ur face if u want . try me uh . =))
soo,basically,i go cut my frindge juz now & i tell u itz really horrible! gahh . buttttttt . SELAMAT!!! a bit part only short . but not dat short larh kn . ok jelalala . i ask dat person go cut lain she go cut lain type! geeeeeeeeeeee!!!! && wells;itz ok lorr . it actualyl benefits me . coz i can clip my hair neatly && i can bring my frindge down to the other sidee . && itz niceerr i tell u! boooo~~~~ coz u noe y? SELAMAT is my both uncle name dats y selamat . goody good! .
i told PrettyBoy bout da Liana thingy && PrettyBoy sae:
"let her be,sae wateva thing she wanna sae && no worries coz im not gonna talk to her or anything . she's da one lyke me but im not gonna like her at all coz me having YOU is olready enuff . && wateva it is u're mine & im urs ok? && I Love YOU not her . let it be Fathin or Liana "
PrettyBoy loveeeeee me . i Love PrettyBoy too! gahhh! bahhh! hehe . siao! nolarh . oh yar! fer those who donnoe one thing . ahaa . Fathin is one of da gerl who is crazy fer PrettyBoy . neh u see,PrettyBoy byk Peminat! boo~ hehe .
Tml im going to JB & itz fer real . ahaaa . coz wanna celebrate mummy & daddy's 18th Anniversary! weee~~ && celebrate daddy's Befdae! on da 14th . gah! im cuming backk to s'pore on sundae nite shud be! && Impian Emas here i cumm! i miss dat housey man! gahhh! i miss my cousins all . =)))) && im gonna miss PrettyBoy .

PrettyBoy Is My Love