"a glass of bottle with mixed feelings"
Subject // Marks // Grade // Rank //
[ENGLISH] : Marks: 49.0 Grade: U-Grade Rank: 34/40
[MALAY] : Marks: 73.0 Grade: 2 Rank: 8/15
[MATHEMATICS] : Marks: 39.0 Grade: U-Grade Rank: 24/40
[SCIENCE,PHYSICS&CHEM] : Marks: 39.0 Grade: U-Grade Rank: 29/40
[HUMANITIES,SS&HISTORY] : Marks: 26.0 Grade: U-Grade Rank: 23/25
[POA] : Marks: 48.0 Grade: U-Grade Rank: 21/40
Average: 46.0%
M.S.G: 5.3
Expected M.S.G: 3.8
Class Position: 25/40
Attendance: 41/41
Conduct: Very Good
Latecoming: 1 [wat the hell?]
NO . of subject passed: 1
&& dats my farking results for my farking COMMON TEST 1 . farking sibeichialat rite? KNNBCCB // i noe im suchh a farking NOOB . wallau . i cried sia wen i get my farking results . yes yes! i did studied && many ppl farking noes bout it . i studied in front of ZUL,Prakash,Faiz they all . && i donnoe wat the farking hell has happen till i actually failed my farking ENG! wat sia . 49 marks u noe . another 1 more marks! if i get 30+ hell no im not gonna cry for it . siallarh 1 mark! nabeii . && same goes to my farking POA! 2 marks sia . sienn larhh .
i asked Zul bout his result thingy & he got the 5th position in class . GOOD lorr! && Prakash got the 1st position! clever2 him! Congrats! same to Faiz,6th position . && Zanna 11th position & Fliq,20th position . LOL! i got wat? u see larhh! haiyohhh . niwae,i showed Zul my progrees card coz he asked to kan,soooo ..... he SCOLDED me! he said:
"i see u studied in front of me,y suddenly it turns upp dis wae? y did u failed soo badly?"
&& i said "i donnoe . im sorrie"
&& i actually cried in front of Zul & Ahmad . wallauehh . i donnoe y he was dere . KPO i tink . Sooo,i showed it to Zanna too && she told me one thing dat make me laughl;
"Ajja Ajja Huaiting! Ajja Ajja Huaiting!"
i showed it to PrettyBoy too! && he put all the blame on him .
"i noe u've studied but how cum ur results is soo bad? is it bcoz of me calling u during ur exams? maybe i shouldnt do it again,should not call u during ur exam weeks"
No darling,itz not ur fault at all larhh . i dont mind talking to u during exam weeks coz im the one who wanted it mahh . niwae,please please please dont blame urself . itz not ur fault at all . maybe,bcoz of me cant gif my full concentration on my revision . ERMMM //
"you're the voice i cant sleep without"
Maybe yes maybe no . bout me going on holidae to JB,Impian Emas with my family & cousins dere . coz on Mondae i got my Physics practical class & as for on Wednesdae & Thurdae i have my NPCC Police Knowledge course . 2 daes course sia! wooooo . chialat . && my sis told me dat my father told my mum dat i dont need to follow them dere tommorrow coz my father don like me going in and out of the country just for my stupidd courses and classes . && ayah want me do decide wether to follow or not . soooo,i asked me sis and she said //
"if i were u i will go for it . i dont mind not going to JB coz i noe that Police Knowledge thing is sosososososos important . && if u were to miss it,u cant b promoted n might as well u forget about being in NPCC anymore . muchover sec 3 is important!"
she's right n she got the point dere . niwae, i miss my cousins dere but itz okeyy lorr . && Police Knowledge is a Must Must Must to go! haiyoohhh! but if i were to stay in S'pore,i getto go out with PrettyBoy,talk to him over the phone & he can send me dere . && if i were to go JB,i can getto spent my daes dere happily wif my cousins & getto go shopping,stay in Impian Emas & play Hide-And-Seek dere . LOL! but im gonna miss PrettyBoy badly larhh kann! LOL!
Den how?
i'll let PrettyBoy & myself decide!
Den how?
i'll let PrettyBoy & myself decide!
i'll uppdate more if im not going to JB tommorrow && if i were to go dere . i'll be backk either on dis cuming Tuesdae or Fridae . olrite? MISS ME? keep on tagging . yes yes . Tagg not Spamm! gah! Takin Carees;

Yesterdae's Picture before going to school yaw!
&& PrettyBoy, I LOVE YOU Deep Deep;