"im listening to your breathing"
first and foremost,
Happie 1/2 Year Anniversary,PrettyBoy! (:
ouh shelloh! Half a year,Mr Sexy Lips! oh yes,im glad . basically i've got soo many stuff to share with u readers . soo many stuff to tell till i cant even decide which one to say it first . y not i list down the things i wanna share? cool kan?
1. What i gave PrettyBoy on our 6 mths Ann
2. What he gave me in return
3. SpeakEasyy
4. nightmare,tragedy
5. mama & PrettyBoy
6. English Paper 1
okeyy olrite . which one should i start first? why not i tell you wat i gave PrettyBoy and wat he gave me backk in return . subsequently,i gave him a mug from Precious Thots which i bought on fridae . although it may sound not that kinda expensive,but still . it really means aLOT to me & yerpp money dosent counts (: oh yes,its brown in color . && yerpp there's a phrase stated on it .
"No matter how busy i am,i will always find time thinking of you"
okeyy kan? haha,lols . n yes,i did gave him a note,telling him how muchh he meant to me and how deep my love is towards him . soo yerpp,its exactly wat i type down under the section "MY LOVE STORY" and yes,im speechless . hoho! so,i received a Teddy Bear in return and one big card from PrettyBoy . oh yes,he bought them at Hallmark if im not wrong . really,i nearly cried wen i read those words written on that picece of card . i would share them with u later with the pictures upload too! oh PrettyBoy,i so LOVE that teddy,really . its effing CUTE . im gonna hug u tonight,teddy (:
Speakesyy . me and my sis planned to go Glass Hall for only the four of us . me,her,Ida & Chippy . i donnoe how this things happen . && yerpp,Juey,PrettyBoy & Dian tagg along with us . oh okeyy,im fine with it . saper tknk keluar ngn PrettyBoy kan? haha! && the thing dat i worry most is that,will PrettyBoy like that gig? its all about Hip-Hop u noe . will he like it? i was like,damn farking worry . soo,i dont mind them tagging along larh kan,i've inform PrettyBoy olready,if he dosent like it,its not my fault! lols . soo,i donnoe dat they are cuming to our house to place their helmets not untill kakak told me . i was kindaa shock . dammit,PrettyBoy's cuming? haha! cant believe them . will mama sae anything? will she scolds me?
everything went smoothly without me expecting it . haha! mama could even ask kakak infront of PrettyBoy . "is this guy name Fahmy,adek's boyfriend? the one adek put his pic on her blog?"
kakak was like,yes . && PrettyBoy just smiled . soo,i feel good wen mama didnt even mentioned anything to me about him and hell yes! she knows about PrettyBoy,my Bf . soo do abang Fazely (:
Speakeasyy was all GOOD! superbly good . and to my surprise,Juey & PrettyBoy actually enjoy them muchh . Freaky Z really make us laugh like hell . haha! Fazli u nuts! his stupid jokes yet,make our dae! i really love it wen DJ Ultimate entertain us . he's from KL and he really can rap well . all of his songs are WOW . really love it man . && yes,we headed to Long John after that . & yerpp,i get lots and lots of pinches as part of my gift on that dae . Juey ni ehh! they even disturb me while eating . saying im like one kinda bride eating soo slowly . && i dont really give a damn larhh wei! haha,korg nie ehh . overall,i really enjoy my dae out with them! (:
my english paper 1 was good . && for the veryy first time,i can actualy wrote suchaa longg compo,i filled them 2 pages full-ed . im proud of myself,ok siao! && yerpp,soo many ideas i have till i use that 1hr 40 mins wisely without sleeping nor taking a nap! (:
Gambar-Gambar lai-lai! (
the gift from me to PrettyBoy,the special mug,LOVE (:

Specially for you,PrettyBoy

i bought them from Precious Thots;where memories are sweeter . TRUE (:
its all in that lovelyy bag,people . Boon,ur hand really interframe larhh .

this is wat i get from PrettyBoy and im soo in LOVE with them,really .

the teddy which is in that cage,firstly .

the card dat i received from PrettyBoy,he wrotes:
to my one N only LOVE,NurAdilla Ramli .

&& wen i opens upp that lovelyy card ....
&& wen it is completely opens upp & wen i read them;
PrettyBoy is soooo damn sweet,i tell you . that card,the words inside,nearly make me cry as i was soo touched by them and yes,i swear i really love them! thanks aLOT and LOT PrettyBoy (:
ouh yes,the rest of the things dat i wanna talk about,i would continue them tml yar? its holidae tml and yerpp,i hope i getto go to abg's neww house and spent my dae dere && the pictures of Speakeasyy i would uppload them tml too! coz kakak's not backk home yet! (:
my HP vibrates in class just now,out of a sudden i donnoe y and yerp i take my hp out of my wallet and see wat is stated on it and yerpp,this is wat i found:
"Its olready half a year we've been together,keep on loving me will you?"
i remember PrettyBoy jot them down wen i went for my camp and i found this one too!
"I will never forget you my LOVE"
08th October 2007 .
PrettyBoy nyer tangan gatal ehh! mintak kene gigit je tau! && i cant wait to hug that teddy tonite wen i sleep keep on loving me too,will you PrettyBoy? (:
Happie Half A Year Ann again PrettyBoy ((((:
"" was Posted On: Monday, April 30, 2007 @15:01 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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